Best Bedwetting Alarm Reviews, Comparison and Buyers Guide

One of the main causes of bed wetting in children is a combination of deep sleeping patterns and overproduction of urine.
Making use of bedwetting alarms can help teach the child’s body to better respond to a full bladder, as well as help break the deep sleep cycles that are typical of this behavior.
In the case of underdeveloped bladder muscles and urine leakage, bedwetting alarms help to limit the frequency and extent of accidents until the child’s bladder has developed the strength needed to last the entire night.
An electronic bedwetting alarm sounds an alert as soon as a sleeper begins to urinate. Bedwetting alarms are designed to assist bedwetters in training their brains to react to their full bladders by awakening and using the toilet.
A bedwetting alarm “senses” moisture as the first drops of urine are released and sounds a shrill alarm, awakening the sleeper.
A feeling of bladder fullness will eventually replace the sound of the bedwetting alarm as the signal to the sleeper’s brain that it’s time to get up and visit the bathroom. Bedwetting alarm therapy is actually a type of behavioral conditioning.
1. Malem Ultimate Bedwetting Alarm
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The Malem bedwetting alarm has some great features including:
- Compact size
- Sound and vibration
- Choice of eight tones
- Easy clip sensor
- Color choice
Let’s look at these features in more detail:
[su_service title=“Compact Size” icon=“icon: briefcase” icon_color=“#1ea60a” size=“16”]
One of the first things you notice about the Malem alarm unit is its small size. It’s only 2 inches square and less than one inch thick and it only weighs 11 ounces.
It has a safety pin attached to the top for fixing it to the nightwear. Make sure you pin it somewhere near the shoulder area so it’s closer to the ears and won’t be muffled by the blankets.
[su_service title=“Sound and Vibration” icon=“icon: music” icon_color=“#1ea60a” size=“16”]
You can choose the mode of the alarm you want to wake your child. The alarm unit has a 3 way switch so you can choose either sound only or vibration only or you can select both at the same time.
Some kids actually wake easily to just the vibration, and it’s obviously good for the deaf or hard of hearing, or you may not want to disturb a sleeping sibling in the same room. But many parents want to hear the sound for themselves so they can help with getting to the bathroom.
[su_service title=“Choice of 8 Tones” icon=“icon: check-square-o” icon_color=“#1ea60a” size=“16”]
The Malem ultimate selectable alarm comes with a choice of eight different sound tones and believe me they are really piercing!
You can select which tone you want by moving the switch on the top of the alarm box from 8 to 1.
Next open the battery compartment where you will see the selector switches for the different tones.
Move the switch for the tone you want to the “on” position, make sure the other switches are in the “off” position. It can be a bit fiddly if you’ve got sausage fingers like me, you might find it easier if you remove the batteries while you do it.
[su_service title=“Easy Clip Sensor” icon=“icon: search-plus” icon_color=“#1ea60a” size=“16”]
With the Malem bedwetting alarm, you don’t have to sew anything into the child’s underwear and there are no special snaps to fiddle with.
The sensor clips easily onto boys or girls under wear. Just make sure the sensor is in the best position to detect moisture, this might depend a bit on whether your child sleeps on their front or their back and it’s usually lower down for girls.
You should choose thick absorbent cotton underwear and it should also be close fitting, no boxers allowed.
Color choice
The Malem units come in a choice of colors including camouflage which is a good for helping to get the kids involved.
Low running costs
You will find that most bedwetting alarm systems on the market run on small button batteries.
The Malem ultimate runs on AAA batteries which can last up to 10 times longer. In fact, the batteries should last for around ten hours of playing time. That’s the time when the sounds are actually playing, so in use, they should obviously last much longer.
Does the Malem Ultimate Bedwetting Alarm Come With a Warranty?
Yes, the Malem Ultimate alarm carries a manufacturer’s 1-year warranty which covers defects in the alarm box for one year from the date of purchase.
There’s no doubt that these bedwetting alarms work. Malem has thousands of satisfied customers but you shouldn’t expect miracles. You might indeed find it quite trying when you start using the alarm and Malem say it could take up to three months to work.
That said many parents find it works much quicker than that but you should follow the instructions to the letter and don’t give up too early if it doesn’t seem to be working.
You might want to get a waterproof mattress cover if you don’t already have one, and a stock of clean sheets ready, keep clean underwear in the bathroom ready to change.
You shouldn’t really use anything like pull-ups with the alarm because they can draw moisture away from the sensor so it doesn’t function properly and won’t wake the child. However, in practice, some parents have used pull-ups rather than have to keep changing bed sheets in the early stages and it worked for them.
When you clip the sensor onto the underwear make sure it has a good fold of fabric in-between the clips if the sensors touch each other the alarm will sound without moisture. Run the cord up under the child’s nightwear to the alarm box to stop it getting pulled free while they sleep.
Some parents used a baby monitor to make sure they can hear the alarm when it sounds. Make sure you get the child to the bathroom even if in the early days they seem to have emptied their bladder. It’s a learning process so take them to the bathroom and get them to try and finish there.
You should clean the sensor every 2 or 3 days to make sure it works properly, clean the sensor with warm soapy water make sure you remove any traces of urine residue, perhaps a gentle scrub with something like an old toothbrush, then dry thoroughly.
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2. Chummie Premium Bedwetting Alarm
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The CHUMMIE alarm is based on the new technology designed to detect moisture as soon as possible. This model includes their latest patented “One Drop DetectionTM” technology.
The sensor on CHUMMIE is small and comfortable. The soft silicone sensor can conform to the wearer to enable a nice sleep without discomfort. The small size will make it seem like your child is not even wearing an alarm, it is 40% smaller than a credit card, and only 1.1 oz.
This bedwetting alarm is configurable with 32 combinations of variable tones, volumes and vibrations. This is great to wake you and your child.
Also included with alarm is a progress chart and stickers. We feel this is a great motivation tool for kids. They will see the progress they are making and will strive to improve. Some parents see results in just a couple of weeks and no longer use the system in 6 weeks.
Features of the Chummie Premium Bedwetting Alarm
- Advanced Microprocessor based monitoring: The best technology for the fastest treatment
- Passed the tests required to earn CE Mark, registered with the United States FDA.
- Personalized treatment: choice of 32 combinations of variable tones, volumes and vibrations – strong enough for even the deepest sleeper
- Kit contains: alarm, Intelliflex sensor, snap-on clip, 2 AAA Duracell batteries, progress chart, sticker reward system, manual, & cleaning wipes
- Warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee
The CHUMMIE bedwetting alarm is a favorite here at We like the fact they use standard AAA batteries, reasonable priced, and comes in two different colors.
There are three types of best bedwetting alarms:
1. Wearable Bedwetting Alarms
With a wearable alarm, the sleeper places the moisture sensing device in his or her nightclothes or underwear.
A wearable bedwetting alarm reacts to the urine almost instantaneously.
This type of bedwetting alarm is a design in which the child wears the moisture sensor, which is connected to the alarm device by means of a cord, in or on their underwear or pajamas.
This type of sensor will detect moisture almost immediately.
WetStop3 is with little doubt the best wearable bedwetting alarm available in the market today.
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2. Bell and Pad Bedwetting Alarms
In a bell-and-pad bedwetting alarm, the moisture sensor is in the form of a pad placed beneath the sleeper.
This pad does not sense moisture until it actually soaks up the urine, so it does not react as quickly as the wearable bedwetting alarm.
Another possible drawback is that, if the sleeper rolls off the pad, it will not detect moisture. The bell-and-pad bedwetting alarm is also attached to the alarm unit with a cord.
Therapee is one of the most recommended bed mat alarms and is suitable for children of all ages, both boys and girls.
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3. Wireless Bedwetting Alarms
The third type of bedwetting alarm, the wireless alarm, has a moisture sensor which communicates to the alarm unit with a transmitter.
Like the wearable alarm, the wireless bedwetting alarm requires that the moisture sensor be attached to the sleeper’s nightclothes or underwear.
But because it transmits its signal without a cord, the bedwetting alarm unit can be located anywhere in the sleeper’s room. It does not have to be close to the bed.
[su_service title=“Important to Note” icon=“icon: exclamation-triangle” icon_color=“#1ea60a”]
Wearable and wireless bedwetting alarms will be effective only if they stay attached. If the material to which a sensor is attached is too thick, or if the sleeper tosses, it may loosen.
Some bed wetting alarms, to remedy this, have their moisture sensors embedded in briefs, onto which the transmitter snaps.
Bed wetting therapy experts have estimated that, with consistent use, the best bedwetting alarms will retrain sleepers to self-awaken in between four and six weeks, and are successful for sixty to eighty percent of young and adult bedwetters.
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What every parent needs to know about the best bedwetting alarms
Bed Wetting Alarms are part of the ‘team’
Before you purchase a bed wetting alarm, it is important that you do your part as a parent to help resolve the problem.
Oftentimes, children are as embarrassed about their problems, as you are frustrated by their occurrence and the mess it makes. Because of this, a child’s esteem can be quickly deteriorated, which can cause them problems in their social lives.
While you may be frustrated, never take your frustration out on the child. It helps no one, and can actually make the problem worse. Stress can significantly hamper any behavioral training that you might be attempting. So, we suggest working as a close ‘team’ with your child while you and the bedwetting alarm help them through the problems.
Bedwetting Alarms Best Practices
As you read the best bedwetting alarm reviews, it is important to keep in mind that these devices are most effective when the parent is also able to respond to the alarm.
As bed wetting alarms have undergone development, it is possible for a parent to enjoy sleeping in their own beds and still be notified when the child urinates in bed.
Wireless bed wetting alarms like the Anzacare DRI Eclipse, that attach to your child’s clothing can relay a signal to a receptor in the parent’s room, which lets the adults get up as needed to assist their child in going to the bathroom and getting them back into bed again.
Get the Most Out Of Bed Wetting Alarms
Only making use of bed wetting alarms is not enough to totally resolve PNE problems (note: Primary Nocturnal Enuresis – PNE for short – is the main cause behind bed wetting in children).
You will also need to partner the alarms with other tools specifically created to deal with PNE, like disposable bed wetting diapers and plastic bedsheets
to limit how much laundry needs to be done and to ensure your child’s comfort.
As you gradually teach your child to sleep less deeply and form the habit of getting up in the middle of the night to use the washroom, the number of dry nights will begin to outnumber the wet ones. However, during the training process, expect the occasional accident to occur. This is normal as your child’s body develops.
If your child is over the age of five and continues to have PNE problems, the best bedwetting alarms might be the first part of the team that beats the bedwetting.
You should take your child to the doctors should the bed wetting continue, as there may be an underlying medical issue causing this, rather than a developmental or behavioral issue.
As mentioned above, bed wetting alarms do help to a great extent to handle PNE easier, but they might only be a single element in the overall solution.
General Advice on Dealing With Bedwetting problems
There are of course many problems, both large and small, facing parents and children these days. One of the most persistent problems associated with childhood, however, is also perhaps one of the oldest, and that of course is the problem of bed wetting.
Many children will go through this embarrassing problem, and in some cases bed wetting can become a serious impediment to normal development and a healthy social life.
From sleepovers to camping trips, bedwetting can cause serious problems for children, and it is important for parents in these situations to know how to deal with this problem most effectively.
For many parents one of the most effective ways to deal with bed wetting is to install a bed wetting alarm.
In fact, a bed wetting alarm can be one of the safest and most effective of all treatments for this embarrassing and at times debilitating condition. The concept behind the alarm is simple, with each alarm equipped with a moisture sensor that snaps on to the pajamas. A small speaker is attached to the child’s body, generally near the shoulder.
The alarm goes off when it senses moisture, resulting in a piercing sound that helps train the child to cease urination and head to the bathroom. This treatment can be quite effective for all but the deepest sleeper.
Of course, bed wetting alarms are not the only effective treatment for a bed wetting problem, nor are they the right choice for every child. It is important for any child who continues to wet the bed to be carefully evaluated by his or her pediatrician in order to rule out a urinary tract infection or other medical condition.
For those children whose bed wetting is the result of deep sleep or laziness, however, the installation of a bed wetting alarm can be remarkably effective.
Teenage Bedwetting
Health professionals who treat bed wetting will sometimes have a patient who is a teenager, and it has been hoped by the family that one day they will just grow out of it. But it has not happened. While only around 2% of teenagers still wet the bed, that is no comfort to the teenager.
It is comforting to know is that it can be treated, but it is important not to delay treatment. This is especially if the time is approaching to leave home to go to college. There must be plenty of time to carry out the diagnosis and to allow treatment to work.
Damaging Issue
The first major obstacle with bed wetting teens is that the teenagers may be more ashamed and embarrassed than children are.
Bed wetting as a teenager can significantly damage self-esteem and disrupt their social lives. It can make matters worse if a teenager, quite understandably, may try to hide the fact that they are wetting the bed, this can make treatment even more difficult.
As a parent, broaching the subject with a distressed adolescent may be difficult, but most likely this has been an issue for a long time and so trying to address the issue will not be new. What is important is to help the teenager to understand that they do not have to deal with this alone, and that there is effective help.
Teenage Bed Wetting Needs Caring Attention
When dealing with teenage bed wetting, while it may be natural to become frustrated or angry, a parent must try to see it from a young person’s perspective. This may take the form of:
“if I ignore it, then it will go away”
And so when a parent tries to talk about the matter the teenager may become angry, because they then have to think about it.
In that case, leave the teenager with the message, “when you are ready to talk about it I really want to work on this with you. ”
Solutions To Teenage Bed Wetting
If bed wetting has been mostly constant over the years, then it is almost certainly the primary nocturnal enuresis type which responds well to using a bedwetting alarm.
This may have been tried before, but research shows that part of the problem is the maturity of certain areas of brain function (not those involved with learning or intelligence – almost all bedwetters are described as well-functioning and above average). The maturing of those parts continues and so treatment with an alarm can become more effective.
Therefore the first tool that should be used and which is essential to bed wetters, is a bed wetting alarm.
Some doctors will also suggest adding in bed wetting medication , and that can be useful in very resistent cases, but usually only for a few weeks or a month or two at the same time as using the bedwetting alarm.
Need for Medical Examination
If bed wetting is a problem that has started more recently, then other causes need to be investigated by a doctor, in fact there should always be a medical examination of the teenager before starting treatment.
Also in the category of helpful devices are the bed wetting diapers. They may make it easier for the teenager to be self managing as the bed wetting is being dealt with.
These are all small things that any teen can do to lower the number of uncontrolled urination episodes. One of these is to remove caffeine from the diet because this has a diuretic (urine producing) effect.
Quitting drinking alcohol is also recommended, because alcohol can cause bed wetting as well, especially if drinking excessively.
Teenage bed wetting can be cured, and for that that there needs to be a good understanding of the cause, and then a consistent and supportive process that everyone understands, agrees with, and is committed to.
Adult Bed Wetting
Adult bedwetting that happens rarely is not something to worry about.
But if you are an adult and Nocturnal Enuresis (commonly known as “bed wetting”) begins to happen more often, it’s time to do some more research and perhaps to pay the doctor a visit.
Repeated incidents of adult bedwetting can sometimes be the sign of a more serious underlying problem.
Adults who wet the bed also suffer social costs – all too often, adult bedwetting is very embarrassing and can lead to dissolution of relationships, self esteem issues, depression and fustration.
In addition, it is very important that busy adults get a good nights sleep, which can be adversly impacted by nocturnal enuresis in adults.
Adult Incontinence can be treated
Adult bedwetting, or incontinence, is a problem that a small percentage of adults suffer repeated symptoms from.
Often, one of the best management tools for treating incontinence is to use a personal bedwetting alarm that discreetly alerts the user when they need to awaken and empty their bladder.
The most popular and successful model on the market is the DRI Excel personal bedwetting alarm that is comfortable to wear, and alerts to the first drops of urine that pass.
When Not To Worry About Adult Bed Wetting?
There is an instance when grown-up Enuresis is not the sign of a serious problem, and that is in the case of extreme consumption of alcohol.
Alcohol causes high rates of urination, and if you drink a high quantity of alcohol right before you sleep, you are at moderate risk of wetting the bed.
While this can be extremely embarrassing the next morning, as long as the alcohol consumption is not repeated daily, you don’t need to worry about it.
Other Causes Of Adult Bed Wetting
There are many causes of adult bed wetting, and almost all of them can be quite severe.
Liver, kidney and bladder failure can cause bed wetting, as can diseases such as Lupus.
A doctor is the only person who can do the necessary blood tests to determine what the cause is, so you should make an appointment as quickly as possible.
Adult Bed Wetting Lupus
What is adult bed wetting Lupus? Well, it’s simply wetting the bed as a result of the autoimmune disease, Lupus Nephritis. However, because of the nature of bed wetting (scientifically called Nocturnal Enuresis), and even the nature of Lupus Nephritis, it is important to evaluate all possible causes of bed wetting in adults before jumping to any conclusions.
Is It Really Adult Bed Wetting Lupus?
Adult bed wetting is not a normal behavior under any circumstance, and is an indicator that there is a problem. To see if Lupus Nephritis indeed is what causes your bed wetting or if it’s something else, a lot of diagnosis will have to be done.
Any condition that affects the kidney or bladder can cause bed wetting, so having this symptom does not necessarily mean you are affected by Lupus.
Adult Bed Wetting Is Biological!
If you or your loved ones are experiencing adult Enuresis, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor immediately.
Since wetting the bed at this age is not normal (it’s not uncommon, but is not normal either), it means that something is physically wrong, and this type of bed wetting can not be cured through behavioral treatments.
Such methods are great for making Enuresis go away in children. Adult bed wetting however, is typically biological in nature and must be dealt with accordingly.
Solutions For Adult Bed Wetting Lupus
If you know for a fact that your adult bed wetting instances are caused by Lupus, one of the long term solutions to the problem is to use bed wetting medication to control urination. However, there are some products that you can use to help make your life more comfortable through the bed wetting moments.
Diapers And Alarms – Always Popular
Adult diapers designed for bed wetting can prevent the need to do a lot of extra laundry, while there are also bed wetting alarms that can wake you up as urination begins.
Bed wetting alarms can be used to wake you up should you begin to urinate in bed. This cannot stop the process from occurring, but it can allow you to clean up the mess immediately.
The bedwetting alarm process works by mimicing the natural reaction of the brain to a full bladder – to wake you up. The bed wetting alarm can be a great tool for adults to use while they are in the process of working through bedwetting issues.
Ideally, the bedwetting alarm you use should be comfy, discreet and should be loud enough to wake you during the deepest of sleeps.
Quality adult bedwetting alarms should be reusable and cleaned easily, should be pree from metal parts that corrode in urine, and should be comfortable to wear. There are wireless models on the market, such as the DRI-Sleeper Eclipse, that use a very small urine sensor and a separate alarm unit that can go into a caregivers room or on a bedside cabinet. These models are highly recommended.
In addition to alarms, using bed wetting diapers for adults can limit how much mess you make in your bed. Also, plastic sheets can protect the mattress from urine, as the mattress can be very difficult to clean and to deodorize. Often, its just not possible to clean a urinated mattress properly and dry it fully for use the next night. In this situation, hygene suffers and odors can result – very embarrassing for any adult. Check out this best diaper bag backpack if you need to travel with a pack of diapers.
While these bed wetting devices and NE supplies cannot remove the embarrassment of bed wetting, they can go a long way towards limiting the most uncomfortable aspects of bed wetting.
Do NOT Be Ashamed!
It is important to keep your esteem high if you suffer from bed wetting as an adult. Low esteem problems can bleed out into other aspects of your life, ranging from work to family. As Lupus is a difficult disease to deal with to begin with, being able to keep yourself from depression can help lower the consequences of bed wetting in your life.
Do NOT Despair!
For those who are just developing the starting symptoms of Lupus, it is typically only a matter of time before adult bed wetting episodes begin to occur, and consulting with your doctor is only the first step in helping rectify the problem.
However, there are solutions to bed wetting caused by Lupus Nephritis. Modern medicine keeps evolving and new solutions to such diseases are always discovered. Also, alternative medicine and bedwetting hypnosis can help to limit the frequency of episodes of adult bed wetting Lupus and make your life easier.
Control Your Self Esteem
Being sick is not a reason to feel poorly about yourself.
Bed wetting as an adult is not something that is your fault, but rather a medical condition that needs to be treated or managed properly so you can resume a normal life and normal sleeping patterns.
If you take care not to drink any liquids before going to sleep and cease drinking diuretics like caffeine, this can help lead a perfectly normal lifestyle. Even bedwetting adult individuals who travel alot can enjoy their time away from home with little worries and little social impact.
However, if you’re having severe adult bedwetting issues, don’t forget to see a health specialist or Doctor first, before undergoing any treatment that may or may not be adequate or appropriate for your particular case.

Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.