Best Wedge Pillow Reviews

Wedge pillows are alternatives to the usual rectangular pillow that is used while sleeping, especially since there are those who require specialized pillows to help them with sleeping problems or to serve a special purpose while in bed.
These specialized pillows are often more expensive than regular pillows especially since a lot of them are made of materials that differ from the usual ones used for conventional pillows.
The market for the best wedge pillows has grown over the years and there are more companies that have joined the industry while others have expanded to include specialized pillows as well.
What is Wedge Pillow?
An example of a specialized pillow is the wedge pillow which comes in the form of an incline. The most common material used for this kind of pillow is foam since it is meant to create support for the person using it.
There are some though that can be inflated and used either above a mattress to serve as a pillow or underneath a mattress so that it can lift the mattress up and allow either the upper half or the lower half to be raised. Inflatable wedge pillows allow it to be deflated and stored when not being used.
For those with asthma or other breathing problems while sleeping, a wedge pillow will allow them to sleep with their upper body raised into a position that will enable better breathing.
There are even smaller sized pillows of this design that can be used for children who have shown to have difficulty breathing when sleeping flat on their backs.
A pillow that makes it possible for them to sleep on an incline helps one’s airways to provide the appropriate amount of air that will limit the chances of asthma attacks occurring while asleep and having to reach for an inhaler.
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Inflatable Wedge Pillows
One thing that could give you complete rest is an inflatable wedge pillow. This allows you to maximize the benefits that you could gain as your body is swept to a blissful sleep, giving you the energy that you need to face another day when you wake up.
If you have ever been to a hospital, visited a friend or a family member, then you must have noticed that hospital beds were made to have inclined positions.
These beds are usually referred to as inclined beds due to the inclined position they provide for patients. Oftentimes, patients would love to be in this lying position, instead of being flat on their backs. The reason behind this is that, lying with your upper torso on an inclined position gives your body tremendous benefits, and this is also what the inflatable wedge pillow provides. It could turn any flat ordinary bed into an inclining one.
It cannot be denied that sleep itself could bring about a lot of complications, especially if the individual is not healthy at all. One may suffer from asthma, heartburn, acid reflux, and nocturnal cough.
However, if you would be sleeping on an inclined position, then these complications could be avoided. Aside from these, sleeping on an inclined position would promote better blood circulation. It also helps in alleviating back problems that you might have been suffering from.
Since most beds that are commercially available today are all flat, using an inflatable wedge pillow could still give you the same benefits just like lying on an inclined bed.
This pillow can be used with a standard pillow so that you get the softness or coziness of your standard pillow, at the same time, you are also benefiting from the inclining position of the inflatable wedge pillow. You can simply place your favorite pillow on top of the inflatable wedge pillow and you will surely feel and see the difference.
Inflatable wedge pillows could easily be inflated using a hairdryer. It would only take about a few minutes of your time, and then you would be ready to use your wedge pillow and enjoy a good night’s rest. If your legs or other part of your body is suffering from ache or pains, then you could also use your wedge pillow to give relief to these areas.
At first, I was a bit of a pessimistic towards the inflatable wedge pillow, however my attitude changed when my sister gave me one last month.
She said that after some time of using this type of pillow, her back pain became a thing of the past. Now, I too am a believer. Just after a week of using, my back pain has surely ebbed. I know for sure that if I continue using it, my back pain would soon be gone for good.
Benefits of Wedge Pillow
There are sufferers of gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly known as GERD, who have also tried using a wedge pillow while sleeping and many have claimed that it was quite effective.
This is because the incline of the pillow raises the upper body and doing so prevents any of that acid in one’s digestive tract from finding its way to one’s esophagus, thus, causing that burning sensation that causes a great deal of discomfort while asleep.
Different manufacturers have varying degrees that their pillows are raised at but finding which one will provide a good’s night sleep is certainly possible.
These special pillows can also be used by people who enjoy reading while in bed, enabling them to simply use one pillow instead of having to stack several pillows. These can also be used by those who like watching television in bed, allowing them to have a good view of their favorite TV shows while being able to relax comfortably.
For whatever purpose one may have, these specially designed pillows have become increasingly commonplace in many bedrooms to the point that there are more sizes to choose from and pillow cases especially made for them can now be readily bought.
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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