Mosquito Magnet Reviews: We Reviewed the Best of Propane Mosquito Traps

I’m sure you want to enjoy a great outdoor picnic with your family but those mosquitoes are ruining the perfect day. Or you’re probably in a situation where you invited some friends from work for a barbecue only to find out that there are lots of ‘uninvited’ guests already in the backyard!
I know how you feel, and you have found the solution to your mosquito problem! Yes, Mosquito Magnet is the revolutionary product that is guaranteed to trap and get rid of those pesky mosquitoes in you home, backyard and other places.
Mosquito Magnet Reviews
If you’re looking for the best deal on Mosquito Magnet or just want to read reviews from people who already purchased and are using it, then you have come to the right site.
I also had mosquito problem here in my home so I did a lot of research online on the best product to help me get rid of these pesky pests.
Below I’ve provided all the details you need to know in order for you to make an educated decision if the Mosquito Magnet is for your or not.
[su_note note_color=“#ffff66” text_color=“#000000”]If you’re in a hurry and want to know which the best mosquito magnet is, click here to see our recommendation on Amazon.[/su_note]
In fact it’s not easy to find these local stores. Not all of them put stock in their inventory and online shopping usually is the best way to do it. Internet has no limitation.. isn’t that just convenient?
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Mosquito Magnet Review Video
If you are like me, the main reason you are probably looking for someway to eradicate all those mosquitoes is that you just want to spend a good afternoon outside your home sipping lemonade without worrying about those insects ruining that day.
Or it could be that your neighbor has one and you are amazed on how great those things work and you want to have one yourself.
Features, Functionality and How To Use Mosquito Magnets
The most well known model of Mosquito Magnets are the Defender and the Liberty Model.
The features and functionality of both models are basically the same except for the area of coverage each one can accommodate.
The Mosquito Magnet Liberty Model is the ‘big brother’ of the two. It can cover up to one (1) acre of space. This model is suitable for farms and places that have large area.
If you plan of using Mosquito Magnet in your own backyard or lawn or if you have a much smaller property, then you can get away with the Mosquito Magnet Defender Model. It has all the features and functionality that the Liberty model has except that it can cover half an acre.
Both of these models comes with a cord that you need to bury underground for safety reason. We don’t want the kids to trip on it or us adults :) . The great thing is, the Liberty Plus models do not have an electrical cord thus more portable but it does costs a little more.
All of these model are portable and should fit in the back seat of your car.
[su_box title=“
Detailed Mosquito Magnet MM4000 Defender Review
” style=“soft” box_color=“#0c2e99”]
There’s only one word to say about the Defender’s assembly – Easy.
Yes, the whole setup is very easy and pretty much hassle free – unless you have never seen or use a propane tank before – which I don’t want to believe you haven’t.
There are some things that you have to know about the unit though but pretty much the whole setup and assembly of the MM4000 Defender is straightforward (but please consult the manual.. more on that later).
Ok, here are some of the things that you may want to know or be aware of.
First a bonus from the guys at Mosquito Magnet – the unit will come with a set of traps and attractants for you to get started right away and catch those biting insects.
The second thing you need to know concerns the CO2 cylinder issue (CO2 stands for Carbon Dioxide by the way, the air that we exhale and that mosquitoes are attracted to). Yes, the unit does come with it but it is not needed until after you change out the first tank of propane (so don’t pull your hair out figuring out where to use it).
The third important thing is the assembly itself. You only need to follow these steps
- Slide the post and “U” shaped foot into the stand
- Put the top of the unit on top of the post
- Hook up the propane tank
- Slide the attractant in the holder underneath and put the net catcher inside and that’s it.
Pretty simple, pretty issue. Oh and by the way, there are no other tools required to do those.[su_note note_color=“#ffff66” text_color=“#000000”]
Once everything is assembled and setup, it’s not time to turn on the device and start catching mosquitoes. After flicking the ‘on’ switch here are the things that you will expect (and what’s going on behind the scene).
Just like a car upon start up, the Mosquito Magnet Defender needs to warm up. You will hear a brief humming sound that tells you that the device is doing its warming up thing. During this time, the status light on the power switch blinks red.
Once everything is ok and the device is ready and fully operational, it turns to a solid red and stays that way until the unit runs out of propane. You can hear a quiet hum from the fan(s). This is perfectly normal so do not worry.
It is so quiet that you will soon forget about it or even forgot that you have a mosquito magnet setup and placed in that location. If you will read the manual it will say that in order to start catching the biting insects immediately, the unit must run 24/7 for best result. But in my experience, we only have mosquitoes during the late afternoons and night time.
So, to double the life of the propane tank I would recommend to shut it down during the day while you are out, like at work or somewhere and only let it run during the evening. For me, doing this will save money and the overall upkeep costs. But if you really want to stick with the manual, after all the recommendations there are for ‘best results’.
Also, I bet that some users (that gave this a negative, below zero review), those who stated that the unit did not work.
I am willing to bet that they did not read this part (the part where the unit must be on 24/7) and this is why they are upset that the unit did not immediately clear their backyard. These units are not a vacuums and take time to do what they do. The unit blows a downward plume of warm carbon dioxide and simultaneously vacuums up the air near the source of the plume.
The warm CO2 and an Octenal cartridge (included) attract the biting insects. The insects hover around the mouth of the machine and make a number of passes at it until they get caught in a mild vacuum and sucked into a metal-screened net assembly.
The air stream is strong enough to prevent them from flying out and they struggle to stand up in the net until they dry up and die. The open net is visible from the exterior of the machine through a clear plastic access door.
You can check the contents of the trap without touching the machine. The net assembly is easy to empty and is sturdy enough to rinse clean and reuse many times. You’re supposed to leave the MMD run 24/7 to maximize its impact on the mosquito population.[/su_note][/su_box]
Here is how you usually set up a unit of Mosquito Magnet regardless of model:
The first thing to know is where to put your trap.
Placement is the most important thing to consider. You should also take into consideration the flow or air. This is critical to your trap’s performance. Determine the direction of the wind so that you know where to place your mosquito magnet, that is, upwind. The breeze helps to distribute carbon dioxide into the mosquito breeding grounds.
Breeding areas are usually where there is standing water and lots of bushes and trees. The Magnet should also be 30-40 feet away from people areas, and upwind of the breeding areas.
Customer Support
In every product that you intend to buy, you should always check if they offer after sale support. In the case of the manufacturer of Mosquito Magnets, there are recorded reports that their customer supports are so friendly.
Here is an example of one service request that was filed. A customer reviewed that their unit was pulled out for repair and within 2 days, the unit was ready.
The unit looked brand new or it could be brand new. But they said that the unit was cleaned and put in in new bags and boxes but they did not charge anything extra. They only charged to the parts that they really need to replaced.
This is the best place where you can read the great features of the Mosquito Magnet product. We are currently contacting the management of the company and will update this site once we get a review copy of the product.
We decided to create this review website for you because we have a strong feeling, based on the reviews that actual users of the product, this stuff works.
Tips on Mosquito Magnet Repair
A mosquito magnet repair can be done at home. But of course, you still need somebody else to help you with the process. You may call on the customer service numbers or you may go at forums on the internet to help you resolve the problems with your mosquito magnet.
First of all, you need to know the issues about the device. Knowing them is necessary for a speedy repair service. Reduced performance and not starting are some of the common issues that need to be addressed.
You may also check some items if they are working well or not. Some of the items that should be checked are the spray nozzle, quick clear valve, ignitor, as well as the burner. In cleaning the spray nozzle, you need to remove first the nozzle using the wrench and clean it with acetone. With the help of the compressor, blow air through the nozzle. It is also necessary to not stick anything into the holes of the nozzles as this may cause a further damage on the device.
Again, if you want to seek help for the mosquito magnet repair, you may contact their customer service representatives or visit some forums for some useful guidance.
Why choose Mosquito Magnets over repellents
If you want a safer mosquito killer, you better choose the mosquito killer machine. Yes, there might have been a lot of people who opt for mosquito repellents to solve their problems when it comes to mosquitoes. However, the problem here is that, not all repellents are effective. In fact, most of them will still allow mosquitoes to bite you.
There are also some mosquito repellants with side effects on your skin. They produce rashes and red spots, or even skin allergies.
The good thing about the best mosquito magnets is that, it is very easy to use. It is very effective and will kill these mosquitoes in no time. This machine can easily be maintained. Also, it is easy to deal with should there be any problems that would arise.
It should be clear when you read a mosquito repellent review that mosquito repellent does not really have the capacity to kill mosquitoes. What it does is to prevent or control them from biting you. The efficacy of the repellent depends on the chemical ingredients as well as humidity and body types.
It should be noted that, the mosquito repellent works well when used indoors, for instance at home or office. You should not use them on babies as they may be harmful to their skin. It is necessary to read a review as you will know the specification of a genuine product. This will help you to prevent from buying fake products which can only cause redness and inflammation on your skin.
It is highly recommended that you should check first the internet and read mosquito repellent reviews before buying one. It is as well a necessity to look at a mosquito repellent review to know if the product that you are plan can really deliver its job that it promises to the public.
Given these two choices, you better go for the best mosquito magnets. This mosquito killer machine will definitely give you a better protection and a more convenient life—life away from the irritating and maddening mosquitoes.
Negatives and Down Sides
It does not come with a propane tank or CO2 cartridge.

Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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