Better Review: The Shrunks Inflatable Toddler Bed for Travel

My previous two air mattress beds for kids reviews covered the Dr. Watters Child’s Portable Overnight Bed by Gentle Air and the 40010 AeroBed for Kids.
Both are superb products by reputable companies with a good history in the air mattress beds industry. But, since variety is the spice of life, I’m going to cover at least one more mattress in the air mattress for kids category before moving on.
Along with the two air mattresses already reviewed, I’d like to introduce the Tuckaire Toddler air mattress for kids by The Shrunks. On the surface, this mattress is comparable to the previous two offerings but it does have some features that distinguish it (both for better and for worse depending on your perspective). We’ll get any potential negatives out of the way first.
What you might not like
One of the first things I want to clear up is a bit of confusing information. The Amazon advertisements for this product (and a few other sources I’ve found) list the product dimensions as 19 x 9 x 6 inches.
A little common sense will tell you those are hardly adequate dimensions for a human of any age. Don’t worry… the Tuckaire Toddler air bed isn’t for your daughter’s Barbie. Those are just the dimensions of the air mattress in shipping. The actual dimensions when inflated are 60″ x 36″ x 5″ inches.
How Does the Tuckaire Toddler Bed Compare to the AeroBed for Kids or Dr Watters Child’s Overnight Bed?
Compared to the Aero Bed for Kids, the Tuckair Toddler Travel Bed is actually larger by as much as 10″ per side and one inch in depth. While not too big a difference, nearly a foot of additional space per side can, in some circumstances, be too much.
I’m picturing cramped hotel rooms and guest rooms in which walking space is at a premium. Of the three air mattress beds for children I’ve reviewed, the Tuckair Toddler air mattress bed is the largest.
Ease of inflation
If you review other air beds for kids, particularly the two others I’ve already reviewed, you’ll see they proudly proclaim how quickly their beds inflate.
The Tuckaire does the same but, unlike some of its competitors, does not quantify that with a number. For instance, the Aerobed for Kids proclaims under a minute inflation times and 15 seconds to deflate. While this may just be an oversight on the part of the company, I’m inclined to guess that the Tuckaire doesn’t beat its competitors in this regard so they’ve simply left off their stats.
However, keep in mind, we’re only talking about a maximum of 1 minute difference here so it really isn’t that big a deal in the context of all the other features you might want to consider.
Smaller company
Another item some might consider a negative but which I think will mostly be offset by something I’ll get to later is that The Shrunks doesn’t operate a business on the same level of Gentle Air or AeroBed; both of which are relative giants in comparison.
Larger inflatable air bed companies tend to have more established manufacturing processes in place, better R&D and, sometimes, more polished customer care and support operations in place.
I’m not saying The Shrunks falls down in any of these regards, just that their more venerable and larger competitors have had more time to iron out the wrinkles.
Why am I concerned about larger companies?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a small business myself so I always pull for the little guy, but I’ve read a few reviews from owners advising that the Tuckaire Toddler bed needed to be inflated again several times during a few days of use. That’s a sign of a manufacturing defect.
To be sure, very few people lodged this complaint and the included electric pump makes this a quick fix and negligible inconvenience, but it needs to be noted in the interest of full disclosure.
Positive Tuckaire Inflatable Toddler Bed Reviews
Now, having said the last, I’m going to get to the positives.
Though the Tuckaire Toddler air bed may not be manufactured by as large a company as AeroBed, The Shrunks shines in one simple regard; they focus exclusively on air beds for kids and related products. That makes them specialists.
With their mission laser focused, they can take the time to really do inflatable kids beds right and that largely negates some of the downsides to their not being as large as their competitors.
A slightly defensive response from The Shrunks representatives actually provided me some wonderful material to add here that you really should know about. First, don’t EVER suggest they can’t roll with the big dogs. They might get a bit snippy (just a joke if you’re reading, guys). They get snippy for good reason, though.
I’ll provide some direct quotes from their comment.
[su_service title=“Did you know that…” icon=“icon: th-large” icon_color=“#299e26”]
“The development team goes to Asia and Europe once every 2 months or even every month to design and quality control existing and new products…”
I think that shows superb devotion to their product and goes to my point (which The Shrunks customer service folks apparently didn’t read) that being specialized means a level of dedication and devotion beyond what larger companies are generally capable of (or interested in).
It’s why I love new and smaller companies, guys. They really do care about what they’re doing. They haven’t been around long enough to become apathetic or cumbersome. [/su_service]
[su_service title=“Did you know that…” icon=“icon: th-large” icon_color=“#299e26”]
“The Shurnks’ is headed by a, 20 years experience, sales managers and products are designed by award winning designers who have worked for major fortune 500 USA companies.”
I won’t say that makes me ‘totally wrong’ in my statements on experience but it certainly makes them better than one might otherwise think.
There are many elements beyond sales and design that go into working out the bugs of a business but their dedication to producing the best possible product for so young a company is clear.
- Did you know that “The Shurnks’ is headed by a, 20 years experience, sales managers and products are designed by award winning designers who have worked for major fortune 500 USA companies“. I won’t say that makes me “totally wrong” in my statements on experience but it certainly makes them better than one might otherwise think. There are many elements beyond sales and design that go into working out the bugs of a business but their dedication to producing the best possible product for so young a company is clear.
- Did you know “We are the only ones on the Planet using the safest materials and the best manufacturing facilites…Guaranteed….” While I can’t certify that claim, I suspect it is at least mostly true. As you continue to read this review you’ll note I mention the manufacturing of the Tuckaire Inflatable Toddler Bed promises no lead, no BpA and no phathales. That’s huge, gang, and just one more reason to love this bed.
A final note to the good folks at The Shrunks… just because I start with the negatives doesn’t mean your product isn’t great. Read the whole post, next time. You’ll see that I ended this with “Snorezing definitely recommends this product.”
I meant it then and I mean it now because, unlike any other product I’ve endorsed or condemned, you are the first to actually care enough about your product to try and set the record straight. Good for you!
End of Update
Going back to the size of the bed, while it may be larger (and that may sometimes be an inconvenience) the bed’s generous dimensions also mean your child won’t outgrow his or her inflatable bed as quickly as he/she would if you were to opt for the Gentle Air or the AeroBed for kids. You’ll have to determine for yourself if the added years of use will make up for the extra space required on every trip.
A Great Air Mattress Bed without the Chemical Smell!
Of particular interest to parents is the fact that Tuckaire Toddler inflatable travel bed promises no lead, no BpA and no phathales in their product. I’ll save details on what these things are for a future, more technical post but for now parents should view this as the very positive absence of metals and chemical emissions that are harmful.
Best of all, the Tuckaire promises you won’t have to contend with that unpleasant “new plastic” smell!
Another feature I really love with this kid’s air bed involves sheets. The design of the Tuckaire for Toddlers allows for sheets to be tucked in between the bumpers and the actual mattress portion the child sleeps on. Not only does this help create the illusion for the child of this being a real bed instead of an air mattress, but it also keeps bedding off the floor so it stays clean longer.
And, in case you’re wondering, yes… the Tuckaire Toddler air mattress bed accepts standard size crib sheets.
And speaking of the bumpers, the Tuckaire has the Dr Watters air bed and the AeroBed for Kids beat in this regard.
While all three offer a “well” design with raise edges all around the bed, this air bed for Toddlers takes things a step further with raised bumpers. These further ensure your child won’t roll out of his bed and, in my opinion, add an aesthetic element that makes this the better looking of the three beds; great win in both form and function.
An Inexpensive Air Mattress Bed for Kids - Yay!
Finally, the Tuckaire Toddler bed beats both the Dr Watters and AeroBed for Kids in terms of price. You can pick yours up (along with some related products) for around $59.50 (as of this writing. Price will vary slightly from time to time).
Buy air mattress beds for kids online - it’s almost always cheaper.
Of course, you can shop around or pick up your Tuckaire in a store but you might be challenged to find them. As with most products, I always recommend the internet.
You can buy the Tuckaire Inflatable Toddler bed online and save money over in-store prices. In my experience, that’s almost always the case even after factoring in shipping.
So to wrap up, the Tuckaire Toddler travel inflatable bed is a great option for the traveling family.
[su_list icon=“icon: check-circle” icon_color=“#00CC00”]
- It offers safe construction and generous dimensions and is a great replacement bed or upgrade for a child who has outgrown his or her Pack-n-Play.
- This air mattress is sold by a company specifically devoted to delivering products for children.
- The price for the bed is very reasonable.
On the downside, the kid’s air bed requires a bit more space than some of the other offerings on my site and may not inflate quite as quickly (though you’d still have a bed ready from inflation to sheeting in around 5 minutes).
Finally, sheets and blankets can be tucked to keep them off the floor and the bed accepts standard size crib sheets.
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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