Sleep Paralysis Stories- Demons or Dreamons- Science versus Spirituality

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Is sleep paralysis demonic? Are there demons who linger around us? Do demons and ghost exist and can they hurt us? These are all questions many people who suffer from sleep paralysis would like to know.

Sleep Paralysis Demon or Dreamon: Science vs Spirituality

sleep paralysis demon stories

Demons that haunt the night. They have many names and can take many forms. One infamous name is “The Old Hag” or widely known as the “Witch riding your back”.

While in an episode of sleep paralysis the most common paranormal activity is pressing on your chess or holding your feet. Usually, you can hear breathing, walking around, or just feel the presence of evil.

Is this evil real?

There are different theories with different fields of belief. Each theory explains the sleep paralysis demons in their own way.

Science’s Take on Sleep Paralysis Stories

Scientist define Sleep Paralysis as your mind waking up before your body. The brain conscious, but the body still paralyzed mimicking sleep.

They also explain that the evil presence and ghostly activity is just a mirror of your imagination because you’re in the middle of dreaming and reality.

The evil presence is the dream world conflicting with the real world. The demon is a generic entity that most people will experience while in the sleep paralysis state. But this sparks the debate; Why is the entity always evil?

The Spiritual Side of Sleep Paralysis Demon Stories

People who are spiritual and believe in ghosts, demons, and spirits will define sleep paralysis as a spiritual experience involving your soul.

There is a theory that your spirit comes a few inches out of your body or sometimes may levitate a few feet. As in the case study #1 below, the host could see all around him, but his brothers see him as if he were sleeping.

This would also explain out of body experiences because some people claim they were able to leave their body and walk around, which sleep paralysis would be the like the launching pad for this experience to take place.

In order to successfully leave your body behind would take deep meditation and concentration, think of sleep paralysis as the key feature that allows your soul to eject out of the body.

While this occurs there are such entities like demons that try to snatch or replace your soul with itself. The sense of being alive is their motivation. The fellow in Case Study 1 calls these demons “Soul Snatchers” because it is if they try and snatch your soul. This would explain an exorcism which is the activity of taking out a demon from a body.

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Enter the paranormal state of sleep paralysis

sleep paralysis hallucinations stories

Paranormal is defined as a weird experience that cannot be explained. Paranormal sleep paralysis is when a host is experiencing sleep paralysis and witnesses or feels something that is beyond explainable.

Many times during sleep paralysis, a person can experience seeing shadows, noises, odd presence, demons, demonic figures, or any other weird paranormal event. This article explains some of the events that may occur.

A weird paranormal event that may occur while in sleep paralysis is the feeling of a presence in the room. A presence can feel like an entity or ghost in the room with you.

You may hear breathing, noises, and footsteps with the presence. The presence can be in the form of a shadow, ghost figure, or even nothing at all; just the feeling.

Another weird paranormal event that can occur is Astral projection. People say that sleep paralysis is a gateway to another dimension or universe.

Astral projection is when your soul comes out of your body. You can wander around in astral form without your body. Be careful because your body is empty and can attract demons, ghost, or entities. While you are in this astral projection, you may see weird stuff because you are witnessing things with your soul.

Last, paranormal events could be something as simple as an object moving. If you are in sleep paralysis and an object moves, keep track of it. When the sleep paralysis goes away check on that object. If it actually moved then you know a ghost, demon, or entity moved it.

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Case Study 1: You Believe In Me

paranormal sleep paralysis

Background: Randy’s father fought for custody of his three boys. After winning the custody battle he purchased a house in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Knox Avenue he paid for his three sons to fly back from Ohio and had their rooms set up in the basement. The youngest, Randy, started experiencing sleep paralysis and paranormal activity.

Randy experienced many episodes of sleep paralysis and weird ghostly experiences. He was convinced that the devil-haunted his home. He was eight years old so his father ignored his concerns.

The first paranormal activity was the first sleep paralysis experience he ever had. He woke up and was unable to move. He heard his dresser door creek open and his football shoulder pads from his elementary school team creeped out of the closest and moved across the basement floor by its self. He broke out of the paralyzed state and was in a panic.

Many more experiences came with the forthcoming months. Including shadows, noises, heavy breathing, and the sound of hooves walking around the basement. Randy was certain about one thing; he was being tormented by a demon with hooves as feet. This thing was pure evil.

The worst episode of sleep paralysis Randy ever experienced was when the demon spoke. He awoke from a dream and could not move. He heard heavy breathing hovering over him and the feeling of warm breath. The demon spoke in a deep firm voice, “You believe in me” Then the demon and the presence of the demon vanished and Randy immediately became free from the sleep paralysis.

After experiencing many sleep paralysis episodes Randy has come to the conclusion that when the episode begins your soul/spirit is a few inches out of your body. He has evidence backing this up because when you awake from sleep paralysis you can see everything around you like your eyes are wide open, but the scary thing is people see you as though you are still sleeping, your eyes are closed.

The proof is backed with his two brothers. He was in a state of sleep paralysis making grunting noises to get attention so his brothers would move him. Instead, his brothers were looking over him and laughing at him. When Randy got out of the paralyzed state he asked his brothers why they did not wake him up and that he was looking right at them, they looked puzzled and said, “your eyes were closed, Randy.”

Randy is in his forties now and still experiences sleep paralysis. Over the years he has also experienced out of body experiences, ghosts, and weird unexplained paranormal activity. In 2017 he captured a strange demon in a picture he took of his daughter. I have the picture and zoomed in to get a better view. It is certainly a weird unexplained object in the picture. We will soon have the picture up on this page.

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Case Study 2: Demonic Figures Pinning me Down (Dev’s Story)

It started about a year and a half ago. I used to live in a.. well a party house. We would have people over all of the time.

My cousin and I would sleep in the same room. I used to work at 4 am so I would normally take a nap anywhere from 3-7pm.

Sleep paralysis happened to me before about once or twice but the time I had it with my cousin in the room is when I really took it seriously. I opened my eyes seeing specific things in the room (that I would see when I came to) and heard my cousin talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

I felt a force on my chest like a palm pressing down, not letting me move. I was able to make a type of moaning sound that my cousin told me later that he heard. This was only one event but this was the first time that I took it seriously. It has happened to me plenty of times.

Sometimes I see figures, usually always different but always seems as if they are trying to scare me, as if they are demonic. At first, they scared me half to death. But I am a spiritual person and now know that they can’t harm me.

Sometimes I hear sort of a buzzing sound. Sometimes I hear a faint but somehow close screaming. Again it is as if the intention is to frighten me. Last night it felt as if my left ankle was pinned down and a big creature was leaning on my right shoulder making scary noises into my ear.

I was calm because I know it won’t harm me. But later on in the night, I saw a sort of bald creature staring at me. It looks quite scary but again I wasn’t scared. I know God won’t let them harm me.

One night I almost ignored until I saw a video on YouTube.

I couldn’t wake up again and felt something on my back (I usually sleep on my stomach) I remained calm and even felt as if I stood up and walked around my room. I knew I was in the state but it felt too real that I was walking around. I felt almost as if I was floating. I even managed to jump (more like float) over the second story window. But as soon as I hit the ground I woke up.

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Sleep Paralysis Story 3: Footsteps from the Presence (Carlton’s Story)

I have many sleep paralysis stories, but I will tell my first major story. The story that caused me to look it up in the first place.

I was sleeping in my room when I felt an evil presence. I tried to wake up and move or even call out for help but I couldn’t do anything. Then I heard footsteps come from the guest room (which is right down the hall) to the foot of my bed.

Then I felt something pushing down upon my chest. This was really shocking for me because normally my sleep paralysis only included me not being able to wake up.

After a few minutes of struggling I was finally able to move. I woke up and decided not to go back to sleep. This happened when I was 18.

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Is There a Sleep Paralysis Cure?

sleep paralysis cureIs there a cure for sleep paralysis? Is there a way to prevent what seems to be visions, demons, and entities from bothering you?

Some scientists believe there is a cure and others think there is not because sleep paralysis may actually be a gift where the person is in the state of being between our world and the spiritual world.

After researching and studying different theories, I have made my professional conclusion. My conclusion is based on experience, known experiences, and research within the field of sleep paralysis.

First, let’s go over the facts; Sleep paralysis is random and cannot be determined when or where it will happen. Some studies show that it is more than likely going to happen when you are extremely tired and not completely in a deep sleep. But for the most part, the experience cannot be pinpointed or controlled in any way or form.

With that being said it is extremely hard to do research on. So without very much research, it is hard to conclude a cure. Some cure theories include reducing stress, get enough sleep, treating sleep deprivation, sleep schedule, and even medication.

I disagree with this completely. I truly believe you cannot control sleep paralysis with the cures listed above especially when it is hard to research, to begin with.

Scientists are so quick to find a cure for a phenomenon they cannot fully explain. They should not be worried about a cure when they still have no idea why or how it occurs.

Scientists have a basic generic theory on how sleep paralysis works. The theory is that your mind wakes up before your body. Your mind has not yet told your body that it can move and that you are still in a state of dreaming and at the same time have a foot in the real world.

They explain the reason people see shadows, demons, and even can feel someone choking them is that their mind is still half dreaming. On the Contrary, what if sleep paralysis is your soul not fully in your body and you’re seeing your surroundings through your spirits eyes and not through your physical body eyes? It’s possible. Especially convincing after reading case study #1.

In conclusion, I truly believe there is no cure for sleep paralysis. I have a theory that it is a curse and may be unlocked later in life or young. It is your spirit not fully out of your body, but not fully in, kind of “fitting it”

What if when you are dreaming your spirit (you) can leave your physical body which may be on accident and you just can’t remember where or why you left in the first place because your physical brain stays with your body obviously. These are just theories, theories like scientist have.

3 thoughts on “Sleep Paralysis Stories- Demons or Dreamons- Science versus Spirituality”

  1. I had a “psychosis” episode where I seen demons everywhere, a psychiatrist diagnosed me with schizo effective disorder after this 3 day ordeal. I’ve not “seen” anything, I was convinced to start a new medication, however I have begun to experience sleep paralysis. The first time really freaked me out because I felt my bed vibrating and couldn’t get up to check on my daughter, who was sleeping in the bed with me. I had a feeling that evil was causing the vibration. I totally thought this had really “happened” until my next experience, which was similar in nature minus the vibration. After I “woke” up I was so out of it, almost like I was drugged. Even after “waking” I still felt a heaviness in my home. I started looking up things on the internet, and that’s when I fully understand what I was experiencing fully. I use quotation marks around words like woke because I’m not so convinced I didn’t experience these situations in reality. I find it difficult to believe I “seen” demons, and now I’ve just so happen to start experiencing sleep paralysis? Deep down, I know in my heart that what I felt/seen was real evil. I’m starting to question the whole psychosis and schizo effective disorder garbage, as I’ve NEVER seen anything before or after my “episode”. Although, I would experience “feelings” of heaviness or negative energy before. I can’t understand why people, people who believe in God, find it so hard to believe that demons are real. If God exists, then so do demons right? Why can’t we be satisfied with the theory that maybe some people get a glimpse of something they are not supposed to sometimes? I guess the nonbelievers have to justify it scientifically to ease their minds, but when I told God fearing people I seen demons I could tell my sanity was being questioned. It just doesn’t make sense, your mind wakes up before your body, and you’re experiencing your dream…Why is the dream experienced ALWAYS spiritual? I have never read cases where the experience was meeting Prince Charming, or whatever dreams you usually have. I just can’t simply accept that theory; I could be wrong, but I believe it’s spiritual. If you’re a true worshipper of a higher power it shouldn’t be hard to believe, I mean isn’t it considered the Holy Ghost when one cries in church?

  2. Hey everyone

    Sleep paralysis is not a hallucination or some medical condition. It is an attack from satan. He hates mankind and wants to deter us from the love Jesus Christ has for us. Demons and unclean spirits hate and fear Jesus Christ. Jesus means “God saves” and that is what He will do when you call upon His name. Repent of all sins and turn to the Son of God.
    In John 10 vs 10 ” The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”

    Read this article from this website :

    God bless everyone


  3. Good morning! So you’re back again? I don’t know why you like me so much, but I can assure you, I don’t like being woken up with you trying to get inside of me.. As you already know I’m not afraid of you. I’ve dealt with thing’s like you my entire life. I’m 40 years old now, so I’m pretty fucking used to it by now. Is there some reason (and I’ll record this so I can hear) why you’re interested in me? I don’t think I have nice boobs or ass(especially since I’m a guy) I’m not afraid of you, so I don’t know why it keeps happening. Aren’t there better targets out there? Easier targets to make afraid? I’m a 40 year old guy! Isn’t that what you feed off of, fear? All I wanna do when you wake me up is fight and kill you! I especially wanted to kill you when I was asleep and felt something, I woke up and I saw you the other night hovering above me (inches away from my face, (watching me sleep) I could see the shape of a head, shoulders and arms, smoke like black) then you dove into me
    and tried to take me over or feed on me! I’m sure you can remember my resistance and me not being afraid. I have a warrior heart just like you. My entire being fought you. I would truly appreciate you not doing this anymore to me. It doesn’t make me afraid, but I don’t like being assaulted, and makes me wanna fight! Please stop visiting me. I’m not food. You’ll get nothing from me but a fight. I would truly appreciate it, thank you very much!

    This was my note to the demon that had just tried to attack me again. The time I read this was 3:30 AM to it. I was pretending to sleep and on my back. (I know it always comes at (3-4am, it’s come the last 3-4 nights)I held my emf detector in my hand on my chest and it went off. I sprang up and said “good morning . I was hoping to talk to you.” Then displayed the emf detector and told the spirit what it was. I told it it was a sensor and if it was there to please touch it again. There was a delay. 30 seconds or so. Maybe it thought it was a weapon? Then it went off 5 times in a row on the top of my blanket. That’s when I read my note I had written to it earlier. Nothing happened after that. I listened to my recording and heard nothing. I then took the emf detector and went over every corner of the room. Nothing happened. I can only hope that this has come to an end.

    I’ve been attacked and awoken many times in my life by what I always thought was something called (sleep paralysis.) So many times I’d have this feeling that I couldn’t move and something was on top of me attacking me. Invading me. Believe it or not, but my first instinct was there’s a demon trying to possess me. I then would fight and it would stop. It eventually came back, but what I read was there’s a scientific explanation for this and it doesn’t involve spirits. So that’s what I began to believe. I had this happen to me countless times in my life since I was a teen. Only recently have I discovered this wasn’t true(at least for me). I’ve always known there’s been ghosts and demons. I’ve had personal experiences since I was a boy. Only now do I believe that these demons actually do this for sure. I know what they’re trying to do now, too. I know they’re trying to possess us, or feed on our fears. Only some of them are strong enough, or some of us are too weak to fend them off and actually be possessed. The rest they feed on for as long as they can keep you paralyzed…

    Here’s my message to anyone who ever encounters this. Be a warrior! When you feel it paralyze you, fight! And be strong! Don’t be afraid, be fearless. Use every ounce of your strength to resist! And once you get it out and you’re free again. Have a similar chat with it it might just never come back. Let us all hope…

    If it ever comes back, I’ll have a spray bottle full of holy water right near my bed and I’ll wait just like I did with my emf detector. Once my emf detector goes off I’ll spray the shit outta that fuck!

    What this truly makes me wonder is where are the good guys in this world? This was a classic demon, so are there also angels? If so, why aren’t they fighting these things? Maybe they are, but I read that up to 25-50% of adults will have “sleep paralysis” in their lifetimes. That’s a shitload of bad guys…


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