A Quick Guide To Buying A Twin Bed Frame

Choosing a twin bed frame was pretty simple back in the day. First of all, there weren’t many choices, let alone different styles, to think about. Families also didn’t head down to the furniture store to see what new styles were available, or camp out for incredible close-out sales. It was a much simpler time.
Bed frames are composed of metal crossbars that hold the mattress and box spring. They can also be adjusted slightly to hold a longer mattress and box spring set. Other than that, there is not much you can do with them.
Bed frames are usually sold separately from the bed set, although there are some sets where it is included.
In today’s market, most furniture stores advertise their beds by saying you’ll get all three pieces for a great price. Unfortunately, most costumers think the set is made up of the entire bed, dresser and mirror, but the store actually means you’ll get the headboard, footer, and bed frame at one low price.
When you consider that a good twin bed frame costs about $100 by itself, you need to decide whether having it thrown in as part of the overall price is a great deal or not.
Before you purchase your twin bed frame, you need to consider whether you’ll be storing anything substantial under your bed. This decision is important since some frames have an additional support bar either going lengthwise or sideways, resting on the floor. If you plan on storing your shoes, out of season clothes, or even bedding, it may not fit underneath a frame that sections off on the floor.
You should also take into consideration whether the frame has casters or not. Casters come in handy if you ever need to move your bed to clean or dust, or even getting the storage boxes underneath the bed.
You might also want to check out some collapsible or folding frames. You probably don’t have to think about it now, but there might be a time when you won’t need that bed anymore and being able to fold it up and store it in a small corner of your garage is ideal, rather than disassembling and having it take up too much space in your home.
Frames also come in different materials that have various levels of quality. You definitely don’t want to just buy the cheapest frame you find thinking you got a great deal and spend a lot of money on your box spring set and new mattress.
Most people purchase an expensive new mattresses and box spring set, which tends to be on the heavier side. This really isn’t the time to be cheap and purchase a poorly constructed aluminum frame that will end up breaking or sagging pretty quickly due to the weight of the mattress and box spring.
More and more mattress manufacturers make bed frames that coordinate well with their mattresses and sold in combination with their mattress sets. These are usually unique to the individual brand and line of mattress. Some have also been designed to perform actions that normal bed frames can’t such as having legs that move up and down.
There are also some bed frames that need to be designed and constructed specifically for a one-of-a-kind mattress. Believe it or not, water beds are from the 80s are still pretty popular with some people. Especially since water can be pretty heavy, they do require special bed frames to support their weight.

Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at MTBNZ.org is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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