Zquiet Vs Snorerx Vs GoodMorning Snore Solution for Snoring & Sleep Apnea

If you’re looking for a snoring mouthpiece, there’s no shortage of products to choose from. And while their purpose is the same, they vary in style, design and mechanism so a bit of research is required before you make a decision.
Moreover, bear in mind that while the cost should always be considered, other factors like the material used to make the snore mouthpiece have to be factored in as well as adjustability, comfort and the durability of the device.
To help you along, we’ve created this comparative review ZQuite vs SnoreRx vs GoodMorning Snore Solution for our readers. Rather than spend hours and hours combing through all the reviews written about these products, you can just use this text as guide to help you make the right choice.
Good Morning Snore Solution (GMSS)
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If you’re looking fo__r a mouthpiece for snoring, this one would be a good choice. It is a TSD (tongue stabilizing device) that relies on a suction mechanism to keep the tongue’s tip forward even as you sleep.
Now there are many kinds of anti snoring device designs, but research shows that the TSD is one of the most effective not just at preventing but also treating the condition.
But the GMSS goes much further than that as it can even treat mild sleep apnea cases. The product, which was developed in Canada, has been subjected to numerous tests and clinical trials, so it’s proven to be safe and effective.
One of the benefits of using GMSS is there’s no need for any complicated set up, unlike other anti snoring device products on the market.
The last point needs to be emphasized, as one of the problems with other anti snoring contraptions is while they’re effective, require you to make numerous adjustments, so this one is pretty handy.
Since the GMSS doesn’t require any complicated setting up, you can use it right away. As per the instructions, you simply need to put one of the tablets in cold water and dip the GMSS there for 10 minutes, and putting it on is a simple and straightforward process.
Pros and Cons
Just like all anti snoring tools, the GMSS has its share of pros and cons, although the pros far outnumber the cons. Unlike other anti snoring units, the GMSS stays between your inner lip and gum while the suction bulb keeps your tongue in a forward position so it doesn’t move back.
[su_row][su_column size=“1/2” center=“no” class=""][su_box title=“Pros” style=“soft” box_color=“#3ea808”] [su_list icon=“icon: check-circle” icon_color=“#56c523”]
- The GMSS does a good job preventing snoring
- Based on clinical trials, it can treat mild sleep apnea cases
- The product was created by Dr. Leslie Dort, a registered den
- One size fits all
- There’s no need to adjust the GMSS with screws
- Adjusting, molding or trimming is not required
[/su_list] [/su_box] [/su_column] [su_column size=“1/2” center=“no” class=""] [su_box title=“Cons” style=“soft” box_color=“#a00634”][su_list icon=“icon: exclamation-triangle” icon_color=“#9b0b27”]
- More expensive than other anti snoring equipment
- Not as stylish as other anti snoring gadgets
[/su_list] [/su_box] [/su_column] [/su_row]
What People are Saying about Good Morning Snore Solution
A look at the various Good Morning Snore Solution reviews indicates that most people are satisfied with the product. Based on the general feedback the GMSS does a good job in preventing snoring and that it is more comfortable to wear compared to other mouthpieces.
Other reviewers have taken notice of its durability, and one Good Morning Snore Solution review said he has been able to use the device for more than a year without needing a replacement. And as other reviewers have pointed out, it’s one of the few snore mouthpiece devices that people with dentures can use.
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ZQuiet has been our number one recommended anti snoring mouthpiece for two years running…
But we are not the only ones who fell in love with it. Zquiet is one of the few snoring mouthguards that is FDA Approved!
This is a MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device) that holds your lower jaw in such a way so that the airway widens, and this allows air to move freely without restrictions.
Unlike other MAD devices, it’s designed in a way so that your mouth moves freely even as you sleep. Like the GMSS, you can use this without the need for any complicated configurations, although there is a customization option.
[su_button url=“/check/zquiet/” target=“blank” style=“soft” background=“#FF6600” size=“5” center=“yes” radius=“round” icon=“icon: arrow-circle-right” text_shadow=“0px 0px 0px ” rel=“nofollow”]Product’s Official Website[/su_button]
Pros and Cons
The following is a list of the product’s pros and cons.
- The product was developed by a medical professional
- The hinged feature allows your mouth to move freely
- The airflow posts allow you to breathe in your mouth
- Compact
- The device was built using safe and latex free materials
- There may be some temporary side effects such as drooling and/or sore jaw
- Instructions could have been clearer
What People are Saying About ZQuiet
The majority of Zquiet reviews have been positive, with many people giving it four and five stars in terms of feedback.
What most people are saying is that the device works very well especially on the first night.
This is one of the major attractions of this anti-snoring device as other products take a couple of nights or longer to get used to. One reviewer, James of Oklahoma, wrote it to say that since he began using the device all the sounds disappeared.
His sentiments were echoed by Joshua of Milwaukee who said that once he started using the device, his problems with snoring ended. Richard of Dallas and Michael of Memphis said basically the same thing after spending a few days using the product.
It’s true that some people have experienced a few side effects like a sore jaw and a bit of drooling. But as one Zquiet review pointed out, these are temporary and go away after a while.
What’s more interesting is that many of the reviews came from spouses or partners of people who snored, and many said that the snoring sound completely disappeared.
By simply reading these reviews, it becomes apparent that the answer to the question does Zquiet work is yes, it does.
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[su_divider style=“double” divider_color=“#f3a023”]
Another popular anti-snoring device, Snorerx is a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) that was developed by Apena Science Corporation, and it is FDA approved.
What makes this mouthpiece different from others is that it is built from heavy-duty medical grade material. While Zquiet in stores is very popular, this isn’t one isn’t far behind.
The device comes in a compact package with a user guide, but it’s actually very easy to use. Apart from the device, it includes a stopwatch, a mug for cold water, a boiling water mug and tongs for retrieving the mouthpiece.
The instructions are very clear, and basically you just need to fill the mug with boiling water, put the device there and remove it using the tongs after 60 seconds.
As many Snorerx reviews point out, the guide clearly states you need to then dip the device for two seconds in a mugful of cold water. Now you can put it on and bite for half a minute, and take off the safeguard and put it in cold water.
After leaving the mouthpiece there for a minute, try it again. If there are snoring sounds, make adjustments to the tray. That’s all there is to it, and it shouldn’t take more than five minutes to do it.
What Customers are Saying About Snorerx
There are a lot of people looking for a Snorerx coupon code and that’s not surprising given the number of positive feedback and reviews the product has been receiving online.
Among the most notable comments have come from people who have suffered snoring problems for years like Matt, who wrote in his review that his spouse told him the snoring disappeared completely. The same thing was reported by Jim of Maine, Arnold of Pittsburgh and Dirk of Iowa. Some of the other reviewers said they experienced some soreness in the jaw, but it was only temporary and after making some adjustments the discomfort disappeared.
Pros and Cons
- As any Snorerx review will point out, it is easy to adjust
- The device is easy to configure
- Stops snoring
- Built to last
- Lots of positive feedback
- Comfortable
- Some adjustment will be necessary, but as indicated earlier this is easy to do
- Some drooling and / or tenderness of the jaw may be felt during the first couple of nights
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SnoreRx vs ZQuiet vs GMSS – What’s the Verdict?
The information above outlines the features of three of the most popular snoring mouthpiece products today, but in the end it’s still up to you to make a decision.
There are obviously several things you need to consider, but the most important are cost, safety, functionality, efficiency and functionality. These were touched upon earlier, but it’s essential to go over them again in detail since they’re very important.
First off, you need to consider the material, to be more specific, ensure it doesn’t have BPA (Bispherol A.).
It hasn’t been fully established that BPA is bad for you, but it’s better to be safe than sorry! After all, a snore mouthpiece will be in your mouth for 7 to 8 hours, so it’s better to be sure.
The products reviewed here are BPA free so you don’t have to worry about that. If you decide to buy another snoring product, make sure that it doesn’t have any potentially toxic material, and you’ll also want to also consider any allergies that you may have.
Aside from the material, there are other things you need to mull over, like the following:
As the product reviews here show, comfort is one of the most important features a mouthpiece can have.
After all, an anti snoring device is only useful if you’re able to wear it comfortably. Since you’ll be wearing it when you go to sleep, it must be as comfortable as possible so flexibility is of paramount importance.
At this point, you’ll need to not just research the product but also read reviews and check what people have to say about it.
If you read the reviews of these mouthpiece for snoring products above, you’ll notice that what they share in common is adjustability, and high quality MAD mouthpieces let you move your jaw backwards or forwards so you can choose the comfort level you prefer. With regards to TSDs, the majority are of the one size fits all type. Regardless of the device you choose, it’s imperative that it fits the contours of your mouth.
Breathing Holes
A lot of the mouthpiece for snoring products today has breathing holes, while others don’t, and some people prefer them but others can do without them.
If you’re the type who sleeps with the mouth open while exhaling and inhaling, you might be better off with a breathing hole. At the same time you have to make sure that there’s a balance between the size of the device and the device.
The dimensions are very important, because if the breathing hole is too small it will limit the oxygen that gets in your lungs. But if it’s too large your mouth may be opened in an uncomfortable manner.
One of the things that you also need to remember is that these air holes may produce a whistle-like sound, so choose the right model. If you don’t sleep with your mouth open, then air holes won’t be a problem.
One more important thing has to be taken into account, and that’s the longevity of the mouthpiece. Some of the _best_mouthpieces have a lifespan of 12 months or more, but others need a replacement after just three months.
Even if the device is affordable, the cost will spiral if you need to buy a replacement every three months, so you should be willing to spend more on a high quality mouthpiece as it will save you money in the long run.
Of course the lifespan of a snoring mouthpiece will also depend on how it is used. If you often grind your teeth when asleep you’ll wear it out quickly so durability should be one of the primary concerns.
True, all manufacturers will claim that they have the best mouthpiece. However, the deal breaker would be the kind of materials used, as high quality materials will last longer than most. So if you’re going to look for a quality mouthpiece, start by looking into what materials went into making the device.

Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at MTBNZ.org is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.