Best Earplugs for Sleeping With A Snorer: Block Out Snoring & Other Disruptive Noises at Night

My roommate snores.
But she happens to be my significant other. So, there is no way I am going to kick her out.
Sleeping next to her is unbearable, unless I am wearing the best noise cancelling ear plugs that money can buy.
It is not easy to sleep with someone who snores. I have been there, done that, and I didn’t like it.
Get yourself the best earplugs for sleeping with a snorer. Honestly, using these earplugs for sleeping will save you from so much agony and many sleepless nights.
However, if you are not up for the idea of sleeping with earplugs in your ear canals, you may want to consider getting one of these white noise machines that are also good at blocking disruptive noises at night.
See Also**** Another great idea would be to buy a snoring mouthpiece for the snorer in the room. I have done a thorough review of the best mouthpiece for snoring here..[tcb-script type=“text/javascript”]amzn_assoc_placement = “adunit0”;amzn_assoc_search_bar = “false”;amzn_assoc_tracking_id = “aprbtmad-20”;amzn_assoc_ad_mode = “search”;amzn_assoc_ad_type = “smart”;amzn_assoc_marketplace = “amazon”;amzn_assoc_region = “US”;amzn_assoc_title = “2018’s Best Earplugs for Sleeping”;amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = “sleeping earplugs”;amzn_assoc_default_category = “All”;amzn_assoc_linkid = “60f5539d08718eec280014bb85b7ac14”;amzn_assoc_rows = “1”;[/tcb-script] [tcb-script src=“//”][/tcb-script]
What to Look for When Shopping for Noise Cancelling Ear Plugs
Many of the snoring earplugs available in the market are blatantly overrated. They won’t block out the sound of mice laughing in the attic, leave alone the snoring sounds of a 160 pounds man sleeping next to your ears.
But don’t despair.
There are a few best sleeping earplugs that do what they promise. Here is a list of my very best. You can pick any from this list and rest assured that you won’t be disappointed.
- Hearos Ultimate Softness
- Moldex 6800 Pura Fit
- Howard Leight Max 1
- Super sleep comfort foam earplugs
- Ohropax wax earplugs
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If you are wondering here are the basic things to look for in sleeping earplugs
The best earplugs for snoring should block out most, if not all, noise.
That’s why you are buying them in the first place. They should have a rating of ideally 30NRR and above (the highest has a rating of 34NRR).
Snoring earplugs made from foam and wax have so far proven to be the most effective. When inserted into the ear properly (regardless of how small your ear is) the foam expands forming an airtight seal blocking out most if not all noise.
Those made from wax work in a similar way. They are also very soft and do not make your warm and oily
It is not bad to sleep with earplugs every night, if you are doing it to save your marriage or your eardrums from damage by snoring.
But if you thought sleeping near a snoring person is bad, try putting on uncomfortable earplugs.
They are intolerable.
They apply pressure on the eardrum. The pain from such pressure is excruciating, and they may even cause a condition known as ear barotrauma.
Good earplugs should fit into your ear canal perfectly. They should neither stick out like antennas nor go too deep. They should also not leave a space between them and the ear. Ideally they should form an airtight seal. If they don’t, they will let in the snoring noise.
When buying sleeping ear plugs, make sure they are the right size for your ears. Some of us have smaller ear canals than others, it is therefore important to choose those that are your size.
In short the best earplugs for snoring should offer you the maximum comfort regardless of your sleeping style while at the same time blocking out the irritating snoring noise.
This goes without saying. You don’t want to log into Amazon, Ebay or Walmart looking for replacement earplugs after every few months.
Although most earplug brands are quite affordable, what you settle for should give you value for your money.
It should be reusable, withstand cleaning and maintain its shape and size after a few uses.
The top rated sleeping earplugs
3M EAR Classic EarPlugs
The Cylindrical shape of the earplug
The flat end face of the earplug tend to get deformed when rolled.
The Usability
Although I don’t use earplugs in a high noise environment, they have been very helpful for me against my partner snoring and my noisy neighbors high volume music.
They are very comfortable to wear all day long. I do use them at night because, compared with the regular tapered earplug type, they don’t create moisture in the ear which makes them very comfortable to wear all night.
All manufacturers of earplugs advise that these should be used only once. I tend to agree if you are wearing them for high noise protection. But if you use them like me, then they can be reused a few times before throwing them out.
I have found that they can be used from 1 to 2 days before they lose their property of slow recovery. Which makes them harder to insert after a while because they recover too fast to insert them properly in the ear canal.
The Pros:
- Cylinder Shape provides a perfect fit when properly inserted
- Slow recovery give more time to insert properly the earplug
- Cell textured surface makes the plug very soft and comfortable in the ear canal
- Cell surface protect against pressure and humidity inside the ear
The Cons:
- When compressed, end face tend to get into a ball and make inserting more difficult
- Need to hold while it recover in the canal because it tends to get out when recovering
- If not inserted properly in the ear, the cell textured body makes them easy to lose at night when sleeping with them
- Disposable. Not environmentally friendly. Although manufacturer state it can be recycled, there are no recycling code printed on them
The Conclusion
The Ear Classic earplugs are easy to insert, provide a perfect seal when properly inserted, are very soft and comfortable when worn a long time.
At first, these were not my prefered choice when I needed disposable plugs. I was going more with Hearos Ultimate softness and Howard Leight Max.
But I found by using them a few times for this review that I had been underestimating these earplugs. I actually find them way more comfortable than other sleeping earplugs when I need to wear them for a long time. They are now my prefered all-day earplugs.
Me wearing a properly inserted earplug
Me wearing a properly inserted earplug
Ohropax wax earplugs
Ohropax Classic ear plugs in their cardboard box.
Ohropax Classic with its cotton protection removed.
The Shape
The shape of the Ohropax wax earplugs is very simple. When you remove the cotton wool from the earplug, you will find a cylinder shaped piece that is in fact pretty hard before it is kneaded. Unlike other earplugs of different shapes, there isn’t much more to be said about the shape of these plugs.
The Usability
The Ohropax wax earplugs are pretty easy to carry almost anywhere. Depending of the quantity that you buy, they come either in a small cardboard box or in a metal container.
The cotton wool that serve as a protection is very easy to remove from the plugs. I put it back in the box after removing it so that I can use it to put the plugs back in the box after using them.
Although Ohropax says that it is better to use them only once, I have used them a few times before throwing them out.
Of course, this always depend on your usage of the plugs. When they get dirty and do not stick anymore, just get rid of them.
The wax cylinder, as hard as it can be at first, is actually pretty easy to knead once you start heating it a little bit with your finger. It becomes very soft after a few seconds to a minute of kneading.
As I have stated before above, these earplugs are actually pretty easy to knead and to form into a ball shape. I had some difficulties at first to make them stay into my ears, which prevent them from completely sealing my ear canal.
When I pushed them in the ear, they were also sticking to my finger, which made the plug a little bit difficult to make it stay inside the ear. When they are kneaded, they tend to become very soft. Because of this, it takes a few minutes before they become a little bit harder again when inserted in the ear, which gives the impression that the ear canal is not completely sealed from noise.
One of the big downside of using this kind of material is that, after kneading the earplug, your fingers become very sticky with the wax material.
I would have actually thought that after scrubbing my fingers together it would actually come off… but no. Your fingers will remain very greasy. And it won’t go away as long as you don’t wash them with soap and water, which is not very interesting for me because I have them in a bedside drawer to put them at night when my partner is snoring.
So, I’m not really interested in getting up and washing my hands after putting on the plugs. It would be hard to fall back asleep after getting up. It can also be a problem in other situations where you have to put on the plugs but cannot wash your hands afterwards.
Ohropax Earplugs rolled into a ball.
Ohropax Earplugs inserted in the ear.
Ohropax Earplugs inserted in the ear.
The Pros:
- They are actually very comfortable to wear.
- They do not cause any pressure inside the ear.
- They can be used for noise and also to block water.
- They are easy to knead, to put on and to remove.
- Although not recommended, they can be reused a few times.
- They comes in the color of your skin and thus they are almost invisible.
The Cons:
- They leave a sticky film on the fingers after being kneaded.
- Can be difficult to keep them sealing the ear canal before they cool down and get harder.
- Keep sticking to the fingers when putting them in the ear, which make ear canal sealing a problem.
- When sleeping with them they tend to leave grease on the pillow or fall during the night.
The Conclusion:
Ohropax wax earplugs can be a perfect choice for some people who dislikes disposable earplugs, or if they have skin reactions to non-natural products.
One of my favourite advantage is that they are made from natural material, which makes them biodegradable. So these plugs are actually very environmentally friendly. The other advantage is that they are made from non allergic material. So, this gives the chance to everyone, even if you have skin problems, to use earplugs.
If you experience pain when you use foam earplugs, you might want to try these earplugs.
Ohropax wax Earplugs are painless to insert and do not fall of at night. Unlike the foam earplugs, you do not have to hold and wait for them to expand like. They take the shape of your ears the moment you insert them.
They have a rating of 27NRR which is a bit lower but still quite effective in reducing the snoring noise. They might not totally block it out but still allow you to sleep comfortably next to your partner.
These babies are made of wax covered in cotton. They are comfortable easy to insert and ideal for all ear sizes and shapes.
What We Loved
- Seal the ear canals better than foam earplugs
- Comfortable and easy to use
- Do a good job in blocking out the noise
- Ideal for all ear sizes, shapes and sleeping positions
What We Didn’t Like
- They have a rating of 27 NRR. They might not block out all the snoring noise
- Can be a bit messy and sticky
Hearos Ultimate softness
The first wax ear plugs is believed to have been created in ancient times. Since then, little has actually changed. Wax is still used, along with other materials such as cotton, to produce high quality earplugs.
The Body Heat… Part of the solution.
The best thing about using wax in the making of earplugs is that once inside the ear, the wax is heated up by the body’s heat. This rise in temperature of the wax, caused by the temperature of the body of the wearer, makes the wax into a protective seal with the inside of the ear canal. The created seal prevents noise, water, or anything else from getting in the ear.
More than just for snoring noise!
Wax earplugs are also used quite a lot by flyers. The seal formed by the wax in the ear gives the air pressure in the inner ear some time to equalize with the outside air pressure.
The discomfort in your ears that is felt during takeoff is actually the results from the inner ear not keeping with the rapidly changing air pressure in the cabin. With a wax seal correctly in place, air is prevented from moving too fast inside your ear and causing that unpleasant discomfort.
Natural ingredients and a soft formulation
The unique formulation of wax earplugs: cotton wool soaked in a mixture of Vaseline and paraffin wax, is so perfectly right from the outset that it has remained practically unchanged up until the present day. The ingredients in wax earplugs are all gentle to the skin and hypoallergenic.
The sleeping ear muffs can also be perfectly adjusted to fit every auditory canal and reduce the effects of noise on the ear. The comfort of the earplug is excellent as no sensation of pressure occurs in the ear. The used material in the making adheres well to the ear and enables a secure positioning. The flesh-colored earplugs also looks very discreet when worn!
Wax earplugs are very simple to use!
1. First, completely remove the protective cotton wool with clean fingers. If needed, you can reduce the size of the ear plug by tearing-off a small amount of its material.
2. Discard the protective cotton! Mold plug to soften and shape into a coherent ball. Place the ball over the auditory canal and flatten firmly. Do not insert deeply or use too small a piece.
3. To remove the ear plug, press upward behind the ear to loosen. Then remove plug with fingers. Never use hard or pointed objects to aid removal. [button content=“Browse For Wax Earplugs at Amazon.Com” color=“orange” text=“white” url=“” openin=“_blank”]
Silicone Ear Plugs for Sleeping
The best silicone ear plugs for sleeping are usually are flat soft disks, with a rubber-like feeling. They are used in a lot of various ways including for blocking snoring noise from your roommate. Silicone earplugs are a little bit more expensive than other regular disposable earplugs, but because some people believe that they offer more bang for the buck, it makes the extra spending acceptable.
The attributes of silicone ear plugs for sleeping
The first reason to use silicone earplugs for sleeping is because of their memory factor. This trait helps it to fill the inside of the external ear canal, making a complete and comfortable fit.
Being soft and easy to mold makes it also very easy to insert and remove without danger for the ear. Silicon is also an inert and nontoxic component.
Silicone earplugs are said to be reusable a couple of times until they are either dirty or that they don’t stick to the ear anymore. It has been said on the web that since they are resistant to heat, they can be put in a dishwasher or boiled in a sterile solution for cleaning.
Silicone earplugs come in a variety of shapes an colors. Most of them are semi-transparent and comes flat in small plastic box.
Silicone and noise blocking
Silicone earplugs block out noises very effectively. They can and are used by people who work in high noise environments primarily to limit the ear to exposition to loud noise to prevent hearing loss.
Being soft and not going inside the ear canal, they are very comfortable for people who wish to use them at night for snoring release and street noises.
More than just for sleeping with a snorer!
A second use for silicone earplugs is to prevent water from going inside the ear by completely sealing the ear. They are used by swimmers, divers, and people doing aquatic sports. Silicone ear plugs must be inserted and removed with care to prevent damage to the ear.
It is especially true for silicone earplugs as if they get inside the ear canal, you might need the help of an ear professional to remove it as it cannot be dissolved like wax earplugs.
Silicone earplugs are easy to use!
1. First, roll and mould the earplug between fingers to soften and shape into a coherent ball. 2. Place the ball over the auditory canal, flatten firmly and hold it there for a moment for the silicone to molds to the area. DO NOT FORCE THE PLUG INSIDE THE EAR AND DO NOT INSERT DEEPLY! 3. To remove the ear plug, press upward behind the ear to loosen. Then remove plug with fingers. Never use hard or pointed objects to aid removal. Removing the plug too hard or too fast can provoke damage to hearing.
<<<------Buy Silicone Earplugs for Sleeping here------->
Foam earplugs
Different types of foam earplugs are available on the market today. The most common is the foam earplugs that is made of memory foam, which is rolled between fingers to a smaller size so that it can be inserted into the ear canal where it regain it’s original size though creating a perfect seal.
The foam makes the fit
Memory foam is made of polyurethane mixed with other chemicals to increase its viscosity and density. Most earplugs memory foam become soft when heated by the body heat, making it possible to perfectly mold to a warm ear canal in a few minutes. It provides the best combination of comfort and protection for most users.
Advantages of the pods
The second type is the push in type, or, as they are called sometimes, the Pod Earplugs. These earplugs are the easiest to install since there is no roll needed. You just have to use the soft flexible grip to push the earplug into position to obtain a perfect seal. The unique design of these sleeping earplugs allows the foam to compress easily so that the plug slides gently into the ear and expands slowly. Since you don’t have to touch and roll the plug between you fingers, it makes them the most hygienic plugs on the market.
Where did those plugs go…
For people working with earplugs in environments where it is important that the plugs doesn’t fall into the produced goods (especially with food products) or that needs to put on and remove the plugs often, most all of the foam earplugs comes in a corded version. The cord is long enough to go all around the back of the neck. For people working specially in the food industries, there are metal detectable earplugs that are made with a small metal ball inside so they are detectable in an industrial metal detection unit for easy compliance with food industry regulations. Metal detectable earplugs generally feature blue ear plugs and/or blue cords: blue is the only color classified as a non-food color in the food industry.
Roll’em, push’em, but wear them!
1. With clean hands, roll(don’t squeeze) the earplug between your thumb and first 2 fingers until the diameter of the plug is as small as possible. 2. Reach over your head with the opposite hand and pull the top of your ear to open the ear canal. 3. While you are holding the ear open, quickly push the rolled end of the plug into your ear, leaving enough of the ear plug outside the ear to allow removal. 4. The disposable earplug should now be properly positioned in the ear canal. For best fit, at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the ear plug should be inside your ear canal. Removing ear plugs For greater comfort, twist the plug gently to break the seal before removing the plug.
Pre-molded earplugs
One of the greener and economical earplugs for sleep are the Pre-molded earplugs. These earplugs are are usually made of silicone rubber, vinyl and other hypoallergenic synthetic rubbers. Some of them are even made of a special type of foam with a special film cover protecting the inside foam. They come in different size, shapes, colors and some are corded and others not. Some come with a handy carrying case that lowers the chances of losing them and helps to keep them clean. There are many type of pre-molded earplugs available on the market. One of the major differences between pre-molded earplugs and regular foam earplugs is because for the pre-molded earplugs, size does matter. Since you don’t actually roll them between your finger to insert them in your ear but simply push them inside, you have to actually find the perfect size for you. Many pre-molded sleep earplugs come in trial packs of 2 to 3 different sizes so that you can find the perfect fit and perfect seal for your ear canal. Some people even need one size in one ear and a different size in the other, which makes the trial packs very handy. Although the size, seal and comfort is one of the factors to consider when choosing the best earplugs for snoring, you have to keep in mind that one of the most important element of the earplug is the NNR rating. It is that rating that defines the quantity of noise the earplug will stop from going into your ear. Most of them comes with different numbers of flanges, but there are some that do not have any. Pre-molded earplugs can be re-used over and over again as long as they are properly cared for. They should be cleaned in soap water after every uses. They can also be cleaned using rubbing alcohol. Of course, when they begin to show signs of wear and tear and are beginning to lose their original form, then it is the time to throw them out and get a new pair.
<---------Click here to buy Pre-molded earplugs on Amazon------>
Now that we have reviewed the best earplugs for sleeping, let’s get into the mundane details about earplugs in general. This is information that you absolutely don’t need, but it doesn’t hurt to know.
A little bit of history about the best earplugs for sleeping
Do you know when the best earplugs for snoring were first mentioned in history? Well, the first recorded use of wax earplugs is in the Odyssey! Odysseus’s crew used wax earplugs to avoid being distracted by the Sirens’ songs! It was an inventor named Max Negwer, in 1907, that started the German company named Ohropax which still produce the famous original wax earplugs they used to produce. Since then, they have added a few other products to their catalog. About 45 years ago, in 1967, the company National Research founded by a scientist named Ross Gardner Jr. created the first earplug out of an accident. Gardener and his team discovered earplugs as a byproduct of a project called “joint sealants.” Gardener was developing a resin that had unusual properties of energy absorption.
But what about today??
Today, sleeping earplugs are currently manufactured by around 25 different companies and can be bought nearly everywhere on earth. The principal manufacturer, Howard Leight, reports annual sales of around $130 million.
So, where shall we go now?
I sometime wear my best earplugs for sleeping even when there is not so much noise around or even when I am not actually sleeping. They still gives the pleasure of calming the world around you to the point where you can hear your own thoughts. I am actually wearing a pair as I write those words! [su_row][su_column size=“1/2”]
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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