My Snoring Solution Chinstrap Reviews: Does it Really Work?

Looking for My Snoring Solution reviews? You came to the right place…
A few years ago the inventor of My Snoring Solution stated that “It was either get help or die”. He was referring to the extremely painful struggle that most people go through every night AND day – sleeplessness because of snoring.
If you have ever had trouble sleeping and snoring is the cause, then you need to sit down, pull up a seat, and read this My Snoring Solution review before you do anything else. I’m about to share a story with you that will relate to your problem and open your eyes to a safe and effective cure for your snoring.
The Creator Of The Solution
Steven Matthews considered himself like a lot of other people because he suffered from snoring every single night. And if you suffer from snoring as Steven did, then you know that waking up the next morning is the worst part.
Driving to work with a full tank of gas, but having your body running on empty is one of the worst feelings in the world.
Unlike most people, Steven Matthews didn’t settle for the old fashioned “solutions” that doctors were offering him:
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Machines
- Etc…
Instead, he set out to find a solution that was safe, non-invasive, and natural. What he created was just short of a miracle for people who suffer from snoring.
The Snoring Solution Was Actually Comfortable
Matthews invented what is called the My Snoring Solution device, which is unlike any other solution for snoring yet. It comfortably supports the jaw in a way that corrects your snoring problem and ensures that you will wake up rested the next day.
If you would like to visit the official website, you can do so here
Remember, now is the only time to solve your problems. Those people who put off solving their problems until tomorrow never find a solution because they eventually fail to act.
Go to the website above to learn more about My Snoring Solution and see if it is right for you.
Is It The Best Way To Cure Snoring?
When we look at the alternatives to snoring cures, My Snoring Solution starts looking really good. I’m sure you have already seen some of them: medicine, surgery, and other risky procedures. I can’t speak for anyone else about their snoring problems, but I can talk about what I’ve personally dealt with.
Waking up every day and having your family complain about how loud your snoring was is funny at first. But after that, it starts to turn into a whole family issue. Your snoring becomes as annoying as the dog barking out back. The only difference is that your wife can’t open up the back door and tell you to shut up.
That is why I’d recommend My Snoring Solution to anyone who is currently dealing with snoring. Whether it is affecting your sleep, the sleep of your family, or both, I would say that it is a great safe solution to loud snoring.
It might look uncomfortable, but after a little while, you will get used to it. And I’m sure that discomfort is the least of your worries when your wife or husband is upset from not getting enough sleep.
[su_note note_color=“#a4286a” text_color=“#ffffff” class=“sn-discount”]My Snoring Solution Chinstrap is the simplest and most effective anti snoring solution in the market today. This is a simple device that goes around your back head and your chin. They are usually made of stretchy neoprene that keeps the jaw and mouth closed, thus forcing the snorer to take breaths naturally all the way through the nasal passage.
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I’ve suffered, just as you have suffered from your snoring problems. The real problem is not knowing what to do about it. I’ve tried a lot of different snoring aids with the hopes of finding something that would work for me.
I’ll admit that a lot of the snoring solutions that I tried were pretty much crap. I wish I didn’t have to say that, but they’re just absolute junk and a waste of money.
I continued on trying things because I knew I was annoying my wife half to death. Having the added stress of sleepless nights, she wasn’t exactly the most pleasant person to be around.
What is My Snoring Solution
My Snoring Solution is a snoring chin strap that holds the jaw in the correct position during sleep.
When you go to sleep the muscles in your face also go to sleep. This causes them to let go and it causes your jaw to become loose. This actually causes the throat to contract and you end up snoring.
Most people who snore loudly have a problem with their jaws falling backward during sleep, which results in the tongue vibrating against the throat during the night.
Anti-snoring devices like “My Snoring Solution” prevent that from happening by holding the chin in the right position.
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How Much Does My Snoring Solution Chinstrap Cost?
This particular jaw strap isn’t as cost effective as the others. A single jaw strap goes for about $70. Inclusive of shipping, the price will rise to about $80/ unit.
I know what you must be thinking, that is a bit too expensive, right? Keep in mind that while other similar products go for less they are not as effective.
Furthermore, My Snoring Solution has a buy one get one free solution which makes it so much more affordable as it slashes the original price in half.
With my solution anti snoring chin strap, you get your money’s worth. What’s more, there is a 90-day money back guarantee so you could always return it for a refund in the event it doesn’t work for you.
Review Summary
Snoring is not just keeping your wife up all night; it is also wreaking havoc to your health.
This is the reason why finding a solution to this problem ASAP is a must. The bothersome noise when you sleep is caused by many factors and the severity varies. Fortunately, there are many treatment options and each one is designed to fit right into the type of snoring you are suffering from.
But what is the most practical way to stop snoring? What solution can you use that does not cost a fortune?
I recommend you try a snoring chinstrap.
The snoring chin strap is a simple device that cups the chin during sleep. It can help a lot of people get rid of their snoring once and for all. Read on and decide for yourself if this anti snoring solution is right for you.
What is an anti-snoring chin strap and how does it work?
The chin strap is attached from your chin all the way back to your head. It is designed to hold up your chin while sleeping.
These straps come in different designs – some come with easy to adjust straps while others are worn like a fixed mask.
You’ll need to assess your needs carefully so that you can purchase the one that is both comfortable and works for your snoring problem. No single chin strap can work for everybody.
How do these anti snoring chin straps work?
Muscle tone is lost when the body is fully rested during sleep, even paralyzed to some extent. This explains why people cannot immediately move after being abruptly roused from sleep. As you sleep, your jaw tends to go down.
Your tongue as well as your muscles which are located in your upper airway will also move down towards the throat, blocking the airway and making the distinct snoring sound.
The more tissue there is in the throat the louder the sound and the more serious the snoring problem becomes. In some cases such as in sleep apnea, the collapsed tissue blocks the airway completely, inhibiting breathing entirely.
The chin strap for snoring cradles the chin so that the jaw stays in place during sleep. The strap positions the jaw upwards thus preventing the tongue from going towards the back of the throat. This also stops the muscles from moving backward to the upper area of the throat.
Many people wonder how a simple strap can completely stop their snoring but if you understand what actually happens when you snore it’s easy to see why it works.
Can it work for everybody?
The real issue when it comes to a snoring strap is not about its effectiveness but if it is right for your snoring problem.
If you snore with a closed mouth then chances are, this solution may not work for you simply because it cannot address the root cause of your snoring.
Here are other cases wherein the chin strap might not be suitable:
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- Snoring is caused by nasal congestion. You might be suffering from an allergy or sinusitis. In this case the strap will not work for you. In fact it makes sleep more problematic as you cannot voluntarily breathe from you mouth because it is sealed shut.
- You toss a lot when you sleep. The mask can easily get dislodged when you move so as a result, you won’t be able to benefit from it. You may however choose those that have longer straps to better secure it in your face even with excessive movement in bed.
- This chin strap is not meant to be used for people with sleep apnea as this worsens the problem by completely closing the mouth. If you notice signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, it’s best that you see a medical professional right away. Sleep apnea can be dangerous if not treated.
Don’t know if you sleep with your mouth open?
You can ask someone – such as your sleeping partner to observe you when you sleep. If your wife, girlfriend or room mate tells you that you do, in fact, sleep with an open mouth then the anti snoring chin strap will work wonders for your snoring problem.
The Pros and Cons of A Snoring Chin Strap
If you are considering using a stop snoring chin strap, take a look at our list of pros and cons so you can make the right decision:
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- This chin strap has been proven effective.
- It’s inexpensive and a lot cheaper than other anti snoring solutions.
- On your first night you will already know if the strap works or not.
- If a snoring mouth guard is not suitable for you then the chin strap might be your next best option.
- It’s a short term snoring solution that needs to be supplemented with exercise and weight loss, or even surgery to permanently address your snoring problem.
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- Some users have reported experiencing only marginal results from using the chin strap.
- You have to deal with some discomfort especially on the first few nights. After all, having a piece of fabric wrapped around your head all night will take a while to get used to.
- If the strap is too tight, you might have a headache when you wake up.
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Not all chin straps are created equal so how can you be sure that the one you are planning to buy is the right one for you?
Well, you should read at least one in-depth snoring chin strap review so that you will know which particular brand of chin strap has the most number of positive feedback.
One of the most sought after chin straps for snoring is a product called My Snoring Solution Chinstrap. It is a very simple device that’s very comfortable to wear.
Most people who have tried it have reported great results. My Snoring Solution Chinstrap is a quick fix solution to snoring that’s easy on the pocket. Buy it now!
What is “My Snoring Solution?
“My Snoring Solution” is a snoring chin strap that holds the jaw in the correct position during sleep.
Most people who snore loudly have a problem with their jaws falling backward during sleep, which results in the tongue vibrating against the throat during the night.
Anti-snoring devices like “My Snoring Solution” prevent that from happening by holding the chin in the right position.
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Unlike other snoring products, these kinds of cures for snoring are easy to use. All you have to do is put the strap around your jaw before you go to sleep at night, and you will snore no more. That’s really all there is to it.
The one truly bad thing about “My Snoring Solution” is that it does look a little silly when you put it on.
However, this is offset by the fact that you only have to wear it at night while you’re sleeping in order for it to work. If you can live with looking a little strange while you sleep in your bed, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem.
Click Here To Visit My Snoring Solution Official Website
Well, the best thing is that it actually works. If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to prevent snoring for years, it’s a good solution.
I’ve read many a satisfied My Snoring Solution Reviews from people who had been snoring for years before trying it. It works far better than most remedies for snoring ever have.
There’s also a distinct advantage in that it has a 90 day money back guarantee, so if you try it and it doesn’t work for
you, you can return it. I think it’s great that the few who aren’t affected by this type of product won’t have to lose their money because of it.
My Snoring Solution addresses mouth snorers. These are the kind who snore through the mouth.
If you are a mouth snorer, you have a problem keeping your mouth closed.
Whenever you fall asleep, your mouth falls open. You breathe through the mouth at night, and this causes you to snore as air hits the back of your throat causing the soft tissue there to vibrate.
Furthermore, the tongue falls back which causes a blockage of the airway. This could prove fatal as air won’t make its way to the lungs.
Mouth snorers are particularly at risk of developing a more complicated form of snoring known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).
My Snoring Solution jaw strap seeks to keep your mouth closed when you sleep.
When you wear it, the chin strap will keep the lower jaw supported which keeps the airway open throughout the night. This reduces tissue vibration, stops the snoring sound or greatly reduces it.
Moreover, with the mouth closed, the tongue won’t fall back and hence you breathe normally throughout the night. This translates to a peaceful uninterrupted sleep.
A brief history of My Snoring Solution Chin strap
Stephen Matthews. This is the man we have to thank for bringing this device to the world. Like many more people, Stephen suffered from a far too common condition. Snoring.
Like other snorers, his snoring not only affected him but his family as well since it was next to impossible to sleep through the ‘chainsaw-like’ noises.
At one point it got so serious that it literally posed a threat to his very existence. He tried to get a CPAP Machine but unfortunately for him, he had a 3 month long waiting list before he could hope for a doctor’s prescription.
Then one night he had a genius idea.
Why not keep my mouth closed during sleep?
And thus the very first anti-snoring chin strap was born. It was not as fancy as the one we have today. It was made from strips cut from a towel. It worked all the same and for the first time in a long while he was able to sleep for 12 straight hours!
After seeing how effectively his innovation worked, Steve dedicated his time to make it even better. And after a lot of modifications the device we now call My snoring Solution anti-snoring Chin Strap was born!
Discover a high-quality anti snoring chinstrap
As much as 80% of the people who have tried this particular jaw strap have had a positive result from it. Judging by these statistics, it is safe to conclude that you can trust it to get the job done.
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Frequently Asked Questions About My Snoring Solution Chinstrap
1. Is snoring really that serious?
A majority of people think that snoring is nothing to be worried about. Much like a yawn. However, that is far from the truth. If you were to observe a snorer and a non-snorer long enough, you will begin to notice the difference between them, especially in their productivity.
You will observe, that the non-snorer is more active than the snorer.
This is because the former had a good night’s sleep. The much can’t be said for the latter.
Lack of a proper sleep means your body is not well rested hence you will not be up to your full potential.
What’s more, your snoring interferes with the sleep of those around you hence affecting their productivity as well.
Snoring has also been proven to kill relationships and even lead to divorce. This is because it slowly kills intimacy as it is next to impossible to sleep in the bed as a snorer.
It may seem harmless but the truth is snoring is far too dangerous to go unattended.
2. How effective is My Snoring Solution Chin Strap? Does it Work
Very effective. As much as 80% of the people who have tried this particular jaw strap have had a positive result from it. Judging by My Snoring Solution reviews, it is safe to conclude that you can trust it to get the job done.
3. Are there clinical trials to back your claims?
A clinical study was carried out over two years featuring 10 patients.
Readings such as the number of snores, the occurrence of OSA incidences and blood pressure were taken before any of the patients begin using the snoring chinstrap.
Two years later, the same parameters were recorded. Most recorded a substantial decrease in the number of snores and the occurrence of OSA incidences. A few actually recorded a total decrease in snoring!
4. Is the snoring chin strap guaranteed to work for me?
Tough to say.
Like any other product, it may work for the vast majority yet not work for you. For this reason, I would advise a kind of ‘trial and error’ approach. You really have nothing to lose. If it doesn’t stop or reduce your snoring, return it and get back your money.
5. Is it comfortable?
From the many unbiased My Snoring Solution reviews we have come across, yes it is. Unlike other snoring aids, the jaw strap is a non-invasive device making it comfortable to wear. It doesn’t cause headaches or other side effects associated with other snoring solutions.
Furthermore, it comes in 3 sizes; small (up to 120lbs), medium (120-250lbs) and large (250lbs and above). This makes it possible to choose one that will fit perfectly, something that contributes to its comfort.
And just in case you were wondering, you don’t need to take it off to talk and/or drink.
6. Do I need a prescription?
You don’t need a prescription for this snoring aid. However, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with your care giver. This is because your snoring may be indicative of OSA, which may require advanced solutions.
You should also contact your doctor if you suffer from TMJ. Consulting with him/her is important so as to ascertain whether its use will make the condition worse.
7. Can I use My Snoring Solution chin strap on my kid?
Yes, you can. It is as comfortable as it is effective on kids as it is on adults.
If your child has a snoring problem that goes unsolved for so long, he/she can develop complicated health problems.
Snoring denies your kid of a fulfilling sleep. Instead of waking up feeling relaxed and well rested, he/she wakes up filling tired.This will translate to inattentiveness in class among a few other social complexities.
People who are not familiar with the child might think that he/she suffers from ADHD.
I strongly recommend that you get My Snoring Solution if your child has a snoring problem.
8. Will I Have to wear the snoring chin strap every night?
Think of it, no one was born a snorer. It’s something we pick up as we grow older so it’s quite possible to train our bodies not to snore. Some consumers have claimed that after using it for a long period of time, they regain their ability to sleep with their mouths closed even without the snoring jaw strap on.
But his is not true for everyone who uses the anti snoring chin strap. There are those who over time, manage to completely do away with it while others will require it less often as they did in the beginning. There are also those that go back to snoring when they halt its use.
To know which category you fall under, you have to try the jaw strap.
My verdict on My Snoring Solution Chin Strap
I won’t lie to you.
I have been a snorer and I have however lived with a snorer, my college roommate. He snored so loudly that even our next door neighbors found it hard to sleep through it.
Sleeping earplugs did very little to block the noises. By the third week, we needed twice as much coffee just to keep awake during class since we hardly slept in the night. We couldn’t take it anymore and we decided to have an intervention with him.
He decided to try some of the snoring aids we had suggested.
After trying several anti snoring solutions, our college buddy finally settled on My Snoring Solution Chin Strap. Our dormitory became so quiet in the nights that we sometimes had to turn on the bulb just to make sure that he was in the room.
He is a testament that the snoring chin strap really does work.
Admittedly, it isn’t the most cost-effective chin strap for snoring available in the market today but cheap could prove expensive in the long run.
My Snoring Solution snoring jaw strap works in a fairly simple yet effective way compared to others which are difficult even to fit. In addition, other aids, though effective are very uncomfortable. Some are associated with side effects such as jaw pains, drooling and tooth pain.
The Jaw strap from My solution does its job with no side effect at all. And the best thing is that it is now available on Amazon.
However, do not judge its effectiveness solely on the reviews. What works for one won’t work for another and what won’t work for one might work for you. If you are snorer or know of a snorer, put this jaw strap to the test and you won’t be disappointed.
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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