Best Over The Counter Sleep Aid- The Top 10 Sleeping Pills

Studies suggest that sleep loss for just a few hours in a day can significantly damage your health and reduce your productivity. Medically termed as insomnia, lack of sleep can adversely affect your daily life and normal functioning of the vital organs of your body. Fortunately, some of the best otc sleep aid available in the market today will help you sleep better.
On the other hand, sleeping well carries loads of benefits. Your 7-9 hours of downtime every night helps you eliminate stress, repair any damages in your body, regenerate your energy levels, and recover or ward off diseases.
But what happens if you can’t easily fall asleep or you wake up in the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep again?
In this article, we will be reviewing the top 10 sleeping aids that are available over the countertop (OTC).
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We’ve reviewed the best OTC sleeping aids out there and ranked each of them based on the following 12-Point Criteria:
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- Value
- Ingredient Quality
- Customer Feedback
- Safety
[su_column size=“1/3” center=“no” class=""]
- Company Reputation
- Reorder Rates
- Customer Service
- Product Sensation
[/su_column] [su_column size=“1/3” center=“no” class=""]
- Packaging
- Long-Term Benefits
- Price Convenience
- Sleep-Aid Potential
But we didn’t stop there. After finding the best over the counter sleeping aids, we have also found the best prices from the most reputable vendors so you can buy the best sleep aid without the hassle! Only here will you find the best prices and retailers for the best sleep aids.
The Top 10 Over the Counter Sleeping Pills 2018
[su_box title=“#1 Most Effective OTC Sleep Aid” style=“soft” box_color=“#f77a10”]
MelaLuna is a well-known and respected brand. This top-rated OTC sleep aid contains calming herbal ingredients that are proven to cure insomnia and other sleep disruption disorders.
Melatonin, which is the principal ingredient in this all-natural sleeping pill, is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body.
High levels of melatonin alert the body that it’s time to fall asleep. And although melatonin won’t you knock out, it will help your body to settle into a calm state, ready for sleep. This makes MelaLuna an excellent OTC sleeping pill for treating disrupted sleep arising from jet lag, shift work, or other disruptions in sleep patterns.
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Other ingredients present in MelaLuna include Valerian, Chamomile, Passion Flower, Magnesium, and hops. These extra ingredients extend the range of sleep deprivation disorders that MelaLuna can treat. These ingredients have been known to be effective for treating insomnia and sleeplessness arising out of anxiety.
If you just can’t shut down, have endless thoughts, and anxiety when you try to sleep, the combination of chamomile, hops, and passion flower contained in MelaLuna have been known to help calm the mind down so that you can easily fall asleep.
We tried MelaLuna on a number of subjects who had previously reported that they experience sleep pattern disruptions when they travel. The results were amazing. Out of the one hundred plus subjects who tried SleepWell, a whopping 87% reported improved sleep cycles and improved mood the next morning.
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[su_box title=“#2 Lunexia Sleep Aid” style=“soft” box_color=“#f77a10”]
Lunexia is the second over the counter sleep aid that we found most effective at doing what it promises; helping you get a good night’s worth of sleep.
Past users have reported that they were able to wake up more refreshed and energized with continued use of Lunexia. The foundation of this product lies behind its powerful ingredients. It includes the perfect blend of natural ingredients that synchronize our body’s daily routine so that we are able to develop a healthy sleep pattern naturally.
Lunexia has helped tons of people derive healthy and better sleep without the involvement of any side effects. The best part is that Lunexia delivers instant results, and it can be easily bought over the counter without a doctor’s prescription.
To top it all, it also promotes overall wellness in addition to inducing sleep. For all these reasons and much more, we have placed Lunexia in the top spot in our list of recommendations. [su_button url=“” target=“blank” style=“soft” background=“#FF6600” size=“8” center=“yes” radius=“round” icon=“icon: arrow-circle-right” text_shadow=“0px 0px 0px ” rel=“nofollow”]See the Lowest Price on Lunexia Here[/su_button][/su_box]
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2. Unisom
Unisom is a product of Chattem, Inc. and is used widely as an over-the-counter sleep aid.
The sleep aid is designed for short-term use, generally two weeks or less.
This particular sleep aid comes in several different preparations.These preparations are the traditional tablets, liquid gels and melts. (namely, Unisom SleepTabs®, Unisom SleepGels® and Unisom SleepMelts™.)
There is some discussion as to which is the best preparation. Melts for instance can be taken moments before going to sleep and have the same effectiveness of the liquid and tablet preparations. Some people believe that liquid caplets provide a faster distribution because the body does not have to break down the chemicals as much.
Unisom is made of two chemical substances depending on the preparation.
If you are looking at tablets, they are generally sold in 25mg tablet and are made from doxylamine succinate.
The liquid soft gels are made in a 50mg gel cap and are made from diphenhydramine HCI.
The Melts are made also from diphenhydramine HCI but are made in 25mg tablets.
The striking characteristics and specific details associated with Unisom are included below:
Unisom is clinically proven to be a safe and effective medicine for decreasing sleep difficulties.
Unisom SleepTabs contain doxylamine succinate as the principal active ingredient. Doxylamine succinate is clinically proven and its safety and efficacy is duly established.
Unisom SleepTabs put you to sleep 25 minutes faster in an average.
Unisom SleepGels have diphenhydramine HCl as the principal active ingredient and is available in a gelly form that can be easily swallowed.
Unisom SleepMelts contain 25 mg/tablet of diphenhydramine HCl and clinically proven to be effective for inducing sleep.
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3. MidNite Sleep Aid
One of the most popular sleeping aids is the Midnite brand, which is sold online.
To promote sleep amongst its user, Midnite contains European melatonin along with a proprietary blend of herbs like lavender, chamomile and lemon balm as well as bromelain. (All of these ingredients have been proven to be effective as sleep aids in many forms.)
[su_note radius=“6”]And by the way, the melatonin used in Midnite is made from natural plant sources instead of the human and plant source favored by other manufacturers. It just so happens that human and animal-derived melatonin is less than healthy for you.[/su_note]
So, how is Midnite different from other sleeping aids?
Well, Midnite works by relaxing your muscles and mind so that the natural cycles of sleep can take over. Now, contrast that with the other sleeping aids where knock-outs are more common occurrences.
Midnite Benefits and Banes
Midnite is one of the most popular sleep aids for many reasons.
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- First, since it is on-sedating, you can take it in the middle of the night for up to 3 hours before you wish to wake up in the morning.
- Second, it will not cause morning aftereffects such as lack of concentration and coordination simply because there are no drug ingredients that lead to these kinds of side effects.
- Third, Midnite is free of gluten and lactose. It must be noted that many sleep aids contain these ingredients, which lead to allergic reactions in sensitive people.
- Fourth, you can take Midnite even without water and, hence, doing away with the need to get up and go to the kitchen. Just place it on your bedside table and swallow the tablet and go back to sleep!
- Fifth, you can take Midnite even when you have glaucoma, bronchitis and prostate problems, thanks to the absence of drugs in the sleeping aid that can interact with the ingredients in the prescription medications for these illnesses. Just to be sure, however, seeking doctor’s advice is still recommended.
- Sixth, it is very affordable. When coupled with all these benefits, you will want to rush to the nearest computer to order a bottle of Midnite sleeping aids.
But wait!
There are things that you must consider.
For one thing, you must make sure that you are not pregnant or lactating, that you are not operating heavy machinery after consumption, that you are not driving a vehicle and that you are not taking antidepressants. The ingredients in Midnite can interact with the components of the antidepressants.
For another thing, you must make sure that you are not allergic to pineapples. One of the ingredients of Midnite – bromelain – is derived from pineapples and you might be allergic to it, too. All in all, Midnite is the best sleeping aid in the market today.
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4. Alteril Sleep Aid
Alteril is one of the best over the counter sleep aids available in the market today. When taken in the right doses, right frequency and the right precautions, it is a very effective tablet to help you achieve restful sleep a few minutes after taking the tablet.
This is made possible because of the right mix of ingredients present in Alteril. Amongst all these ingredients, the most notable are L-tryptophan and melatonin, both of which have been proven in scientific studies to promote sleep mainly through acting as relaxants.
[su_label type=“info”]An essential amino acid, L-tryptophan is converted into serotonin upon absorption into the body. Serotonin is essential in the regulation of sleep in the body and, hence, its presence promotes sleep.[/su_label]
Melatonin, on the other hand, is part of the bodily system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle in humans. Basically, it acts on promoting sleep by causing drowsiness as well as in lowering body temperature, both of which are in preparation for sleep.
Other ingredients include valerian, I-theanine, chamomile, hops, lemon balm, and passion flower. These substances play a role in promoting sleep but not as much as L-tryptophan and melatonin in the circadian cycle.
Alteril is different than other sleeping aids simply because good manufacturing practices have been poured on it. Now, contrast that with other sleeping aids in drugstores and pharmacies and Alteril will truly stand out.
Alteril Pros and Cons
Alteril as a sleeping aid has its pros and cons, obviously. On the plus side, Alteril does not lead to drowsiness the morning after and, hence, will not affect concentration throughout the day. This is possible because it does not contain antihistamines, the main culprit behind said symptoms as well as other side effects like dizziness, blurred vision and constipation. Keep in mind that the ingredients used are either herbs or substances produced by the body.
Also, Alteril will not interact with alcohol, thus, lessening the chances for metal impairment. Although you should not drive a car or operate heavy machinery after taking the sleep aid, you will still retain full control over your mental faculties until such time that you have fallen asleep.
The ingredients contained in Alteril also ensure that there is a shorter amount of time between taking the tablet and falling asleep. Thus, you can almost immediately fall into a deep sleep with very minimal late night awakenings. You wake up feeling truly refreshed in the morning!
We can only think of one disadvantage and that is Alteril is not suitable for children. Many parents would have liked it to help their children sleep better. And so, when you want to alter your bad sleep patterns, we suggest Alteril and immediately enjoy the changes in your circadian rhythm!
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5. Sominex
Sominex is a product of GlaxoSmithKline and is made available in the United State as an over-the-counter medicine for treating insomnia.
Sominex is available in two specific formulas, namely, original and maximum strength formulas and these two formulas have diphenhydramine as the active component.
The fundamental tidbits associated with Sominex are mentioned below:
The chief chemical ingredient of Sominex diphenhydramine HCl makes you feel drowsy and thus assists you in falling asleep without any difficulty.
Sominex is proven to be effective for providing complete sleep for six to eight hours.
Generally, a patient suffering from insomnia is instructed to take 1 caplet (50mg. of diphenhydramine HCl per caplet) or 2 tablets (25mg. of diphenhydramine HCl per tablet) half or one hour before sleeping. But to obtain effective results from Sominex and prevent unwanted side-effects of the medicine, it is to be administered as per the instructions of the doctor.
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6. Nytol
Nytol® is an over-the-counter medicine manufactured by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. This medicine is available in regular strength/extra strength dosages and can be purchased in tablet/caplet form.
Some of the important tidbits related to Nytol are described below:
Nytol contains Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride as the active component. Soon after the administration of the medicine, Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride springs into action and makes you fall asleep within just 20-30 minutes. To obtain effective results from Nytol, this medicine is to be used in accordance with the instructions of the doctor only.
Nytol tablets/caplets are to be taken along with water 30 minutes before getting off to sleep.
Nytol is meant to be stored at room temperature, away from the reach of children.
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7. Tylenol Pm
Tylenol Pm is an over-the-counter sleeping pill containing Diphenhydramine HCl and Acetaminophen as active ingredients.
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, is an anti-histamine, hypnotic as well as sedative that yields effective results to relieve people from the grip of insomnia.
However, Acetaminophen, another active ingredient of Tylenol Pm acts as a pain reliever.
The sleep aid Tylenol Pm functions primarily by inhibiting the functioning process of the neurotransmitter and the inhibition of the neurotransmitter leads to the suppression of the central nervous system and this further makes people fall asleep.
Other striking tidbits associated with Tylenol Pm are mentioned below:
McNeil Cons is the manufacturer as well as distributor of Tylenol Pm and the generic name of Tylenol Pm is acetaminophen.
Tylenol Pm is especially known for yielding effects when sleepiness is caused by any kind of pain. This medication relieves pain quickly as well as fastly and makes people fall asleep with ease.
To obtain effective results from Tylenol Pm, it is essential to take the medicine as per the instructions of the doctor. However, you should not opt for acetaminophen if you have allergies for acetaminophen, diphenhydramine as well as any other anti-histamine.
Altogether, before administering Tylenol Pm, it is necessary to inform the doctor if you are suffering from kidney disease, glaucoma, liver disorder, enlarged prostate or if you are facing problems while urinating.
On missing a dosage of Tylenol Pm, you should take the missed dose immediately or if it is too late, you should leave the missed dosage without trying to make up for it. However, if you have taken over dosage of Tylenol Pm, it is essential to contact the doctor immediately.
If you have fallen prey to any Tylenol Pm side-effects, you should instantly consult the doctor without any delay.
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8. Melatrol
In today’s fast paced life and abrupt lifestyle changes, people may experience stress.
Many people just underestimate or even ignore stress. But, the more you avoid it, the tougher it may get you and can even lead to various sleeping disorders. Tossing and turning every night is pretty much annoying and even worse, your performance the next day is tremendously affected.
The Melatrol natural sleep aid reinforces your body by regulating its natural sleep cycle. It is made with Melatonin and other natural ingredients which promote a peaceful and relaxed sleep. But, due to a person’s hectic schedule and daily stress over work, school and family, one can not avoid but experience bouts of sleepless nights and it adversely affects the production of melatonin.
When the natural melatonin production is significantly affected, the natural sleeping process is also affected. It contains valerian which promotes relaxation and stimulates the brain. This is the natural process of stimulating the correct production of melatonin; thus helping in the natural sleep process.
It is a safe and an excellent natural sleep aid available in the market today. It is not addictive and has no known side effects compared to other prescription drugs. Many of its past users were very much satisfied with the results. It is really an effective aid in reducing stress and fighting insomnia without the groggy feeling.
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Why We Recommend Over-The-Counter Sleeping Aids
Most OTC Sleep Aids are Non-Habit Forming
One of the biggest worries that come with the use of sleep aids is the chance that they might be habit forming.
Many of the prescription sleep aids can only be taken for a short period of time or must be taken while under the close supervision of a medical professional due to their habit-forming tendencies. This is why it is important when looking for a sleep aid, especially a sleep aid that is going to be one that you can trust to take for extended periods, that the sleep aid you choose is non-habit forming.
Most of the OTC and homeopathic options for sleep aids are non-habit forming allowing you to take them without worry when you need them.
However, with any sleep aid it should not be taken for longer than two weeks consecutively. Some prescription sleep aids may be habit forming. It is important to check the side effects of these medications to see if they are potentially habit forming.
If the recommended prescription sleep aid has the potential to be habit forming consider the homeopathic, herbal and OTC sleep aids, which have been proven to be non-habit forming first. For most individuals with mild to moderate problems sleeping on an occasional basis these options may be better than prescription sleep aid.
OTC Sleep Aids Work By Increasing the Presence of Naturally Occurring Body Substances
Sleep aids are designed to promote one of two basic actions. Either they increase the amount of particular chemicals within the body that promote sleep or they block and decrease the presence of chemicals and thereby cause the body to feel tired and drowsy.
It is generally accepted that increasing naturally occurring substances are going to easier on the body than inhibiting the production or absorption of a substance.
Generally, when the body acquires too much of a substance it removes the excess using only what the body needs. This means fewer side effects and reduces the chance of becoming addicted to the medication.
Medications, which suppress natural reactions within the body, can cause an increase in side effects some of which can be habit-forming.
As with all habit-forming substances a need is created whether physical or psychological for the substance. This creates a situation where even when you are not tired or in need of assistance you feel compelled to take a sleeping pill in order to sleep. It can also lead to a host of exaggerated side effects or side effects that have an extended effect.
Nonhabit forming sleep aids are formulas which are designed to provide your body with the necessary encouragement to fall asleep and stay asleep without the side effects that can leave you feeling drained, groggy, hung over or lightheaded the next day.
If you have concerns over which OTC, homeopathic or prescription sleep aid to take talk to your general practitioner or health care professional before beginning any treatment option or if you notice your difficulty sleeping is getting worse or is not being aided by your current treatment plan.
The over-the-counter sleep aids that are extensively used for treating insomnia are particularly, Unisom, Tylenol Pm, Nytol and Sominex. To use the over-the-counter sleep aids for treating insomnia, a prescription from the doctor is not necessary but to ensure safe and effective usage of these medicines, they are to be administered in accordance with the instructions of the physician only.
Likewise, to prescription-based sleeping pills, the over-the-counter sleeping aids are also proved to be effective in treating insomnia. Most of the sleeping aids available over-the-counter contain an antihistamine as the principal ingredient and as antihistamines counter the effects of histamines that are primarily responsible for causing a person to lay awake, the anti-histamines present in over-the-counter sleeping pills make people fall asleep instantly and effectively.
The principal difference between over-the-counter sleep aids and prescription-based sleeping pills is that over-the-counter medications can be purchased without a prescription and also without visiting a healthcare practitioner while a patient under the grip of insomnia is entitled to buy prescription-based sleeping pills only after getting hold of prescriptions from the doctor.
Some of the well-known over-the-counter sleep aids are namely,
1. Tylenol Pm2. Unisom3. Sominex4. Nytol
Prescription-Based Sleeping Pills
Some of the extensively used prescription-based sleeping pills are Ambien, Ambien CR, Lunesta and Sonata.
All these sleeping pills save people from the claws of insomnia by unleashing effects on specific chemicals present in the brain that may become unbalanced at times and trigger off insomnia.
And as these sleeping pills have been approved by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) as effective treatments of insomnia, they can be opted for by people suffering from insomnia without any doubt over their efficacy.
Ambien, the medicine owned by the pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis is considered to be the most popular prescription-based sleeping pill available in the market and other than Ambien; there are also certain other sleeping pills available on prescription that are especially popular for their effectiveness in treating insomnia. These sleeping pills are mentioned below:
1. Ambien CR
2. Lunesta
3. Sonata
1. Ambien CR
Ambien CR is the product of Sanofi-Aventis, the pharmaceutical company that is also the manufacturer of Ambien® and further details associated with Ambien CR make it evident that it is a medicine approved by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) for treating insomnia.
However, the striking details associated with Ambien CR also point out that it is a two-layered medication and the first layer of this drug is absorbed gradually to help a person fall asleep while the second layer is released quickly and gradually in the body to assist a person in staying asleep.
Ambien CR relieves people from the grip of insomnia quite effectively and this medicine has been made available in the US from October 2005 onwards for treating insomnia in men and women. Altogether, pertaining to Ambien CR, it is noteworthy that it has been approved by the FDA for curing insomnia in people for a comparatively long period of time if the physician recommends long term usage of the drug.
Lunesta® is a prescription-based medicine for treating sleeplessness and it has been approved for helping people to fall asleep as well as to keep them stay asleep. Specific details pertaining to Lunesta are mentioned below:
Lunesta® is a product of Sepracor Inc.
Lunesta is a hypnotic as well as a sedative and it induces sleep by yielding effects on certain chemicals present in the brain that reach an unbalanced state and lead to insomnia or sleep problems.
Lunesta can be taken for short term as well as long term treatment of insomnia. Generally, people who face sleep problems occasionally take Lunesta for a short term period only but others with chronic sleep difficulties can use Lunesta for long term treatment of insomnia.
Lunesta may occasionally facilitate certain side-effects such as hallucination, agitation, aggression, behavioral changes, headache, anxiety, depression, feeling of nervousness et al and when these as well as various other Lunesta side-effects show off, you should visit the doctor immediately.
However, to yield maximum benefits from Lunesta and to avoid unnecessary harm from the medicine, it is to be administered in the precise manner in which it is prescribed to be taken by the physician. Lunesta is meant to be taken along with a glass of water.
Lunesta is never to be administered if you are not having at least 8 hours for sleeping. Altogether, Lunesta is never to be overdosed and you should never take an extra dosage to make up for the missed Lunesta dosage.
It is important to note that Lunesta may have drug interactions if you are taking it along with certain other medicines. Therefore, before opting for Lunesta, it is essential to inform the doctor if you are taking ketoconazole (Nizoral), medicines for treating seizures, antidepressants, rifampin (Rifadin, Rifater, Rifamate, Rimactane), anti-anxiety drugs, medicines treating narcotic pain et al.
3. Sonata
Sonata is a prescription-based medicine that has gained approval from the FDA for treating short term difficulty encountered by people in falling asleep. Some of the striking details on Sonata are included below:
Sonata is popularly known as a medication that belongs to the specific category of drugs commonly known as hypnotics or sedatives or sleep medicines and it induces sleep by affecting certain chemicals present in the brain that may become unbalanced and lead to insomnia. However, clinical experiments conducted on Sonata have found it effective for reducing the onset of sleep for up to 30 days.
The manufacturer/distributor of Sonata is Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Monarch and Zaleplon is the generic name of Sonata.
Sonata is meant for treating insomnia on a short term basis only, generally for a period of 7 to 10 days and the medicine is to be opted for only after obtaining a prescription from the physician. If Sonata doesn’t yield the desired results after taking the medication for the recommended short term period, the doctor should be contacted immediately. However, the medicine is not to be administered for more than 2 weeks if not recommended by the doctor.
Sonata is to be administered in the exact dosages prescribed by the doctor and in any case, the medicine is not to be taken for bigger dosages than instructed by the physician. It is altogether necessary that you should never think about taking over dosages of Sonata and if a dosage of the medicine is missed out, you should not take any additional dosage to compensate for the missed dose.
People using Sonata to treat insomnia may occasionally fall victim to certain side-effects of Sonata. Some of these side-effects triggered off by Sonata are namely, numbness/tingling, memory and concentration problems, felling of nervousness, depression, anxiety, headache, agitation, aggression, behavioral changes et al. Further, as soon as you fall prey to these and other Sonata side-effects, you should contact the doctor immediately.
Sonata is capable of interacting with certain other medicines and hence before administering Sonata, you should inform the doctor appropriately if you are taking seizure medications, medicines for relaxing the muscles, medicines for treating narcotic pain and anxiety, drugs for treating depression, namely, sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem) and several other medicines.
Natural Sleep Aids
Natural Sleep Aids are sleep aids that are available naturally and yield their effects in a completely natural process to rescue people from the shackles of insomnia and other sleep disorders.
Some of the popular natural sleep aids are,
The Passion Flower
To treat sleeping disorders with natural sleep aids in the best effective manner, herbs and herbal extracts are to be used as per the instructions of a herbalist. Further, for effective results, the natural sleep aids other than herbs and herbal supplements should be used in accordance with the instructions of a specialist of natural medicine.
Chamomile, the natural sleep aid listed at the top here is extensively available in tea or pill form to treat as well as cure insomnia. However, in certain places around the world; chamomile is also used in a sachet and when the sachet containing chamomile is placed under the pillow of a person suffering from sleeplessness, he is found to be sufficiently relieved from the grip of insomnia.
It is not necessary to use chamomile regularly to obtain relief from insomnia or sleeplessness as when used instantly, this common flowering plant provides adequate relief from insomnia
Tryptophan is a specific amino acid that functions effectively and relieves people from the clasp of insomnia. This amino acid is available in certain food items having too much protein such as turkey, soy, milk, chicken, beans etc. and therefore, to treat insomnia with Tryptophan, the person suffering from the sleep disorder should take food items containing protein in more quantity or can also opt for supplements having Tryptophan.
Valerian is specifically a perennial flowering plant and the root extract of this plant is extensively used as a sleep aid. However, to obtain maximum benefits from Valerian, the root extract of this plant is to be used regularly for a period of around one month as short term use of valerian root is not likely to yield results.
The Passion Flower
The Passion Flower is a flowering plant and is proven to be effective for treating insomnia that doesn’t seem to go away quickly. As a natural sleep aid, the passion flower doesn’t have any side-effects and as it doesn’t cause any addiction, it can be used by the elderly population as well as by the children.
The passion flower helps patients of insomnia to sleep peacefully without any side-effect and thus it is considered to be an effective treatment for sleeplessness.
Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body and pineal gland, a pea-sized tiny organ located in the center of our brain secrets melatonin during nighttime for the purpose of controlling our sleep wake cycles.
However, it is known that melatonin is also produced in the laboratory and has been made available as a supplement in various food and health stores located in the US.
5-HTP is a specific compound that is naturally produced by the body from Tryptophan and clinical experiments have proved that this compound provides effective as well as consistent results in relieving people from the grip of insomnia. In comparison to sleeping pills, 5-HTP is considered to be more effective for yielding results without side-effects and clinical trials have also made it apparent that this compound is efficient in curing sleep disorders other than insomnia also.
5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is available in many foods and also extracted from the seeds of the Griffonia tree which is generally available in the West African nations.
Prescription-based Sleeping Pills Vs Natural Sleeping Aids
Sleeping pills available on prescription are opted for by a larger section of people across the world as they are mostly prescribed by the doctors to treat insomnia but alongside the growing popularity of chemically synthesized sleeping pills, the natural sleeping aids have also carved out a niche for themselves in the market. The natural sleep aids are less expensive than prescription-based sleeping pills and they are also almost without any side-effects which has led to the growing popularity of natural sleep aids.
The significant differences between prescription-based sleeping pills and natural sleeping aids are namely,
The sleeping pills available on prescription such as Ambien, Ambien CR, Lunesta and Sonata act instantly after administration while Tryptophan, Valerian, Chamomile and other natural sleep aids start working at a comparatively slower pace after intake. After administration, Ambien takes around 15-30 minutes to start functioning and the other prescription-based sleep medicines also instantly yield effective results. This is, however, considered to be one of the specific benefits of sleeping pills that make them more advantageous than the natural sleep aids.
The natural sleep aids function naturally on the body and relieve people from the shackles of insomnia. On the other hand, the prescription-based sleeping pills such as Ambien make people fall asleep by unleashing effects on specific chemicals present in the brain that reach an unbalanced state and cause insomnia.
Sonata, Lunesta, Ambien and Ambien CR are approved by the FDA(Food and Drugs Administration) as effective medicines for curing insomnia but most of the natural sleep aids are not FDA approved and their efficacy as well as accuracy is not been evaluated by the Food and Drugs Administration.
Almost all natural sleep aids don’t yield disastrous side-effects triggered off by the chemically synthesized prescription-based medicines and therefore, in this regard, they are considered to be safer than the sleeping pills that can be availed after obtaining prescriptions from the physician.
These are some of the chief characteristics of prescription-based sleeping pills and natural sleep aids that distinguish one from another. However, the aforementioned comparative analysis of Prescription-based Sleeping Pills and Natural Sleeping Aids make it apparent that the sleeping pills that are recommended by the doctor are more effective than their natural counterparts as their efficacy is clinically approved and also they are sanctioned by the FDA as safe and effective medicines for treating insomnia.
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When Not To Use Over The Counter Drugs As Your Sleep Treatment
There are certain times when just grabbing any classical sleep aid product off the shelf is more dangerous than beneficial.
If you are in one of these categories, consider a safer method for sleep deprivation prevention.
Sleep Aids For Children
Some people feel that children with insomnia can be medically treated just like adults. Most of the time, this is a serious error in judgment.
Children are not adults and their bodies cannot necessarily handle the ingredients in standard sleeping products. The best thing to do for a child with sleeping issue is to deal with the underlying problem.
For example, illness or injury can make it hard for a kid to sleep. Normal children fears, like a fear of the dark, can spur troubles at night.
Help them get plenty of exercise and fluids with a nutrition rich diet. All of these things will help a lot and if fears or worries are the problem, help them deal with those in the comforting light of the day.
If there is one time in your life when sleep is essentially important, it is pregnancy. While it is a natural condition, it is still very taxing on the body and a good sleep is necessary to help the body cope.
Sleep loss affects health in dramatic ways anyway, help your pregnancy be a healthy one by finding the best herbal or natural sleep aid if you need one.
For those of you who know someone dealing with this kind of issue, a herbal sleep aid is one of the best healthy gift ideas you could give.
In Cases Of Chronic Illness
Those with chronic illness have a special battle against sleep deprivation too. These people have to be careful of drug interaction. Besides that, who wants to take yet another drug when you already have an arsenal to take anyway?
Natural or herbal sleep aids are great in this situation too. While over-the-counter sleep drugs are big business, you might want to look for something more natural.
All over the world, sleep aid products with natural ingredients are gaining in popularity. Try an all natural sleep product for yourself and feel the difference.
More Ways to Sleep Better Tonight
Are you wondering how to sleep better? Well, you aren’t the only one. Over a million people worldwide suffer from insomnia due to a wide range of reasons. Falling asleep becomes difficult due to a large variety of reasons and most people then resort to strong medication to deal with the problem. But you don’t need to do that. Here are a few tips on how to sleep amazing easily.
Medical checks
First get yourself checked over completely. A good medical checkup can find hidden reasons which are preventing you from getting a good nights sleep. Most doctors will also teach you simple tricks of how to sleep better with sleeping aids or natural alternatives. For a few months at least, try to avoid the use of medications that will put you to sleep chemically.
Natural alternatives to teach you how to sleep better
Stick to a healthy sleep pattern. Most natural methods will teach you how to sleep better with a few simple exercises and tips. You can try these few natural alternatives on how to sleep better as listed here:
Meditation is a great way on how to sleep amazing. The soothing background music and relaxation poses can soothe your brain and train your body on how to sleep better. Ensure that you follow the same meditation techniques for at least a month to get the best sleep.
If meditation is not working for you, you can try yoga to teach you how to sleep better. Yoga poses can dramatically soothe stress and ensure that you get your body as relaxed as possible to get to sleep.
Take a hot bath at least twenty minutes before you go to bed and combine that with a vigorous exercise routine before you go to bed. Exercise releases endorphins that will ensure that your body is as relaxed as possible and soothed into sleep.
It’s a good idea to start with simple antihistaminics that have a side effect of putting the patient off to sleep. Tablets like the following are great to fall asleep but do watch out. Ask your doctor for special tablets if you feel that these simple medications are not working:
chlorpheniramine maleate sleep
doxylamine succinate
Chlorpheniramine for sleeping and the rest above are just a few generic medications that will put you to sleep but we recommend that you check the medicines completely before you use them. Please do not self medicate.
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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