Zyppah Review: Does The Zyppah Mouthpiece Work?

Zyppah is an appliance that is self-molded in a boil-n-bite process that stops snoring. It has been cleared by the FDA and has proven to be effective and easy to use as well as safe with no risks or side-effects.
How does a remarkable unit help? By holding the lower jaw forward slightly as you sleep keeping the airway open toward the backside of the throat. By doing this, it eliminates that vibration of the soft tissues surrounding that area and the snoring stops.
Not only that, but the Zyppah has a unique patent-pending elastic that holds the tongue and keeps it stabilized so that it won’t fall back down into the throat. This is one more step it takes to keep the airway open and prevent snoring. Let’s take a closer look at our Zyppah review.
Pros & Cons
There Are Pros and There Are Cons To Anything…
…. and the this mouthpiece isn’t any different. There are many people that have tried this uniquely designed device and claim it works great. There are some people that have some issues and reservations with the unit, mostly in regards to the comfort. But they will also tell you it did stop their snoring. And there are some that will say this device was uncomfortable because their tongue felt strapped down too much, causing them to drool.
- The theory behind the design is a sound idea that will ease snoring and provide snorers relief.
- The construction is light-weight and small, making it easier on the mouth and other associated muscles.
- The ability to get the fit personalized with the boil-n-bite concept from a BPA-free material.
- It gave users confidence in the unit being designed by a dentist so it is safe for teeth.
- The unit is not only FDA approved but it is made in the USA.
- The ninety-day money back guarantee and that if taken care of, can last for up to 12 months.
- They hybrid design is favored over other models because how it holds the jaw forward and the tongue in place to keep the airway clear as you sleep.
- The airflow hole makes it easy to breathe through your mouth.
- Having something in their mouth makes it hard for many people to sleep.
- Complaints about their jaw being sore for the first day or two.
- It is more expensive some of the other models on the market.
- It causes some people to drool, but most of the products like this do.
- Not advisable to wear with capped teeth, crowns, dentures, or loose teeth.
- The process to customize the fit is more specific than other models on the market.
- Denture tabs are required for cleaning the unit.
- There isn’t any current way to adjust the jaw advancement feature.
Offering Two Solutions All In One Piece
There are other mouthpieces on the market today that claim to keep the jaw tilted forward, but they have not proven to be as reliable as the Zyppah. They don’t keep the tongue from falling back into the throat after it relaxes. This remarkable unit has that additional feature which will allow you and those around to get a good night’s rest. No other mouthpiece on the market today has this patent-pending elastic feature that this device has.
Safe To Use
The FDA has cleared this unique mouthpiece and gave it their seal of approval. If any product has any possible potential danger, the FDA won’t clear it and give their approval. With the Zyppah having that in place is a sign of confidence that you can count on, especially since this is a product that you put in your mouth and leave while you sleep. There are some mouth pieces models out there that can make you feel as if you are choking. But this one won’t and the FDA knows that.
While this device doesn’t have an adjustment to the jaw advancement feature, other models on the market don’t have it either at this time. This does take away the fact of the effectiveness the ZYPPAH offers that it does reduce jaw, muscles, and teeth aches and pains that are common to MADs.
And like any mouthpiece, the soreness and tenderness that people experience is common among all MADs, not just Zyppah. The process for customized fitting is more involved than other devices on the market now, but the different process does give the user a more personalize fit. And while this device isn’t recommended for those who have dental prosthetics, there is another device on the market that can help those snorers. In conclusion, this is a great product and it works for many people.
What is Zyppah?
There are 4 different styles of the Zyppah and it positions the lower jaw forward which reduces the airway blockage risks by the tongue or other obstruction. This is considered a hybrid device because it not is like a TRD (tongue retaining device), it holds the tongue stabile too. But, instead of the suction bulb effect, it has a rubber-like strap that is softer and still effective.
The Zyppah is designed by a dentist, it is American made and is accredited by the BBB and is approved and cleared by the FDA. There is a boil-n-bite fitting process but the airflow hole if has allows breathing by mouth.
Like any MAD (Mandibular Advancement Device) this unit repositions the jaw of the snorer to the front and stabilizes the tongue so that it doesn’t fall to the back of the throat, blocking the airway. If the airway isn’t blocked, you don’t snore and that is the one feature that puts the Zyppah above all other models and styles.
Product Details of the Zyppah
The TSD features of the Zyppah is the design that keeps the tongue stabilized while wearing the mouth piece. Normally, MADs do the job of unblocking the airway, but that isn’t always enough. The tongue is also a muscle and when you sleep, it relaxes allowing it to fall back into your throat while you sleep, causing you to snore. This is especially true for people who sleep on their back. Even though the Zyppah requires a prescription to get it, it is well worth a trip to your dentist or doctor.
How Does Zyppah Work
When we sleep, our muscles relax and that tongue is a muscle. As we sleep, our tongue collapses toward our throat because your muscles relax, including our neck muscles. When all of this is relaxed, it comes together at our throat and the palate and uvula tissues block the airway partially causing a vibration, thus the sound of snoring. The Zyppah is a unique device that works based on what research and studies have proven.
The Zyppah holds the lower jaw forward and the tongue stationary. This keeps the soft palate and uvula from collapsing in the throat, thus no vibration, no snoring. There are two different ways the Zyppah works:
First, the airways are opened up because the device is pushes the lower jaw forward and holding it in place. This causes the loose tissues to tighten around the neck so they can’t fall into the throat and vibrate resulting in snoring.
And second, there is a soft, strong elastic band that is positioned towards the back of the Zyppah that gently holds the tongue in place but firm enough to keep it from falling to the back of your throat. Anyone that has been a snorer their entire life can attest to that being the main cause of snoring.
Not only does this unique designed device stop the snoring, but it enables the person wearing it to still breathe easily with the airflow hole that is built into it. Other MADs do not have this feature, making them more uncomfortable and the snorer aggravated.
Zyppah Price
When the Zyppah was first released it retailed at $123. But today, the pricing is much more affordable at just over $98 and when purchased online from the official website, the price drops to $89.95. There is a $9.95 flat fee for handling, processing, and shipping. Buy two Zyppahs and the second one is discounted to $59.95.
Read more on their official site >>>
About the Company
With thirty years of dental experience, Dr. Jonathan Greenburg is the designer of this unique device. After ten years of intense research on sleep apnea and snoring, and using his dental experience and his undergraduate education in bio-engineering, Greenburg discovered that was vibrations that were producing the sounds of snoring.
Once he determined that the vibration was caused by the airway being blocked, he began work on designing a product that would address those issues. And the result was the revolutionary, unique Zyppah product and the company “Snore No More” was born, creating a way for snorers to get a good night’s rest. With 5 facilities located in California, this product has hit the market with a vengeance.
What Customers Are Saying
There are a lot of people that have tried the Zyppah and have had great results with little not complaints or issues. And others have expressed some reservations about sticking something in their mouth and sleeping with it. But the ones that did have some concerns and gave tried the Zyppah was quick to say that it did fix their snoring. And for those who have said the Zyppah device was bulky, uncomfortable, and the tongue strap did not cause them to gag, but felt strange.
The Zyppah was released in 2008 and has an excellent reputation to date. In comparison to other MADs and like products, it is relatively new, but its popularity has surged. The fact that it was designed by a dentist with 30 years of experience and a background in bio-engineering is a plus in the favor of the Zyppah.
This has proven to be an effective device that has completely eliminated snoring for those who have tried it. It is made in America from BPA that is safe and soft which repositions the jaw and stabilizes the tongue. The looks of the device may not be something you’d want to wear out in public, but it works and is completely safe. It is priced higher than the other models on the market, but because the product is unique and works in two ways, it makes it a worthwhile value.
Old Review
Zyppah snoring device is priced in the middle price range, in between higher end prices and cheaper products.
The mouthpiece will cost you a one-time payment of $89.95. This price includes handling and shipping. Buyers also have the choice of a trial purchase for 30 days. The price for this is only $9.95 shipping charge and two installments of $39.95.
Zyppah is a hybrid, double action mouthpiece that works by combining the action of positioning your jaw forward and holding your tongue in place.
Although it does relieve snoring, we’ve found a few issues that makes this not our most recommended anti snoring device. The mouthpiece will make you gag and drool.
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Have you had the chance to try the Zyppah Snoring mouthpiece? Leave your review below and read what other people who bought the device are saying. And don’t forget to check out our recommended alternative here.
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Zyppah Review: Does It Really Work?
There’s something else about Zyppah that will make you whip out your wallet faster than you can say Jack Robinson.
Maybe it is Zyppah’s unique design. Or it is probably because it combines both tongue restraining and jaw positioning to make it work. But the fact is, Zyppah stands out a mile away from other anti-snoring mouthpieces in the market today.
If you haven’t got your hands on Zyppah Rx, we have a special discount for readers of Snorezing. Click on the button below to get 24% off on your next Zyppah purchase.
Incredible Savings: 24% Off on Your Next Zyppah Purchase
Zyppah Snore Guard Design
Zyppah’s design will intrigue you. There is no debate about that. Unlike most of the other MAD’s in the market, Zyppah has a cool and sleek design. The unique design is complemented by warm colors. The device features an attractive black and neon-green color combo.
But that’s not all that is unique to this anti snoring mouthpiece. No. I wouldn’t be this excited if the design and eye-candy were all there was.
To say Zyppah is revolutionary would be an understatement. It is the only mandibular adjustment anti-snoring mouthpiece that tackles snoring by using a knockout double action.
Here is how Zyppah Works
The Zyppah snoring mouthpiece comes with a special feature that the manufacturers call “Revolutionary z-flex Technology.” In our simple understanding, this technology is a tongue stabilizing strap that is located at the back of the mouthpiece.
In essence, Zyppah RX stops snoring by combining jaw adjustment and tongue stabilization, an approach that no other stop snoring device has so far adopted.
But do you really need tongue stabilization in order to stop snoring?
Most of us are used to Mandibular Advancement Devices, and the thought of a device that combines MAD with tongue stabilizing strikes us as a little strange. But technology is evolving fast, and tongue stabilizing devices (TSDs) are becoming quite popular.
Good Morning Snore Solution is an example of a tongue stabilizing device that has received quite some positive reviews in the market.
But does the combination of the two make the anti-snoring device more effective?
I don’t have any conclusive data to show that combining TSD with MAD makes a snoring mouthpiece more effective. I can only offer my experience with the device, and what struck me (after the excitement of buying a strikingly beautiful mouthpiece had waned off) was that I had acquired a torture contraption.
Every anti-snoring device takes time to get used to, and I was willing to continue test-driving Zyppah Rx even after I woke up with a very tender jaw after the first night of use. In addition, my tongue felt like it was in a straitjacket throughout the night. I didn’t wake up feeling rested like I had done when I used the Pure Sleep device.
But I refused to give up. You don’t give up when your wife is threatening to throw you out of bed if you do not find a permanent solution to your snoring.
So, I tested Zyppah over the next two weeks. And guess what? My tongue didn’t feel uncomfortable anymore and the tenderness on the jaws greatly reduced. And I didn’t snore during the 14 days when I used Zyppah. But I drooled a lot! Most of the other Zyppah reviews that I have come across seem to make the same observations.
Would I recommend Zyppah? I definitely would. It is chic and functional, but you’ll have to bear with your tongue feeling like it’s in a straitjacket and a sore jaw until you get accustomed to the device.
Does Zyppah Work?
Now, now, before you whip out your wallet for a quick purchase, I’d like to offer a disclaimer. Zyppah, like any other snoring mouthpiece, is not for everyone.
- If you have full dentures, forget about using Zyppah or any other stop snoring devices
- One missing tooth should be okay… but for a snug fit, Zyppah’s special band requires that all teeth be present
- If you just had dental implants, consider waiting for at least 12 months before using Zyppah
If you do not have any of the following conditions but still find that Zyppah does not work as it should, you need to make sure that you followed the standard procedure for preparing boil-and-bite devices for use.
Custom fitting Zyppah Anti Snoring Mouthpiece
Although Zyppah looks different than many other MADs the process of preparing it for a custom fit does not differ. In order to set it, you will need: a mirror, two small bowls or mugs, tongs, a pot, and a stop watch.
- Before you start preparing Zyppah, it is advisable that you first rinse it with warm water and place it into your mouth to get its feel before you bite into its pliable material during preparation.
- Heat a pot of water, and bring it to boiling temperature.
- As you wait for the water to boil, pour ice into one of the bowls/mugs
- Transfer the boiled water into the other bowl/mug. It is important that you transfer water into a bowl as the device might be spoiled by coming into contact with the hot surface of the pot
- Using tongs, submerge Zyppah into the boiled water for 60 seconds. Use the tongs to hold the device into the water as it tends to float.
- Remove the device from the boiling water and let it cool for a few seconds. 20 seconds should be enough. Handle the device with caution at this step. The thermoplastic material tends to get very hot and sticky after it’s been submerged in boiled water.
- Before you proceed, understand which side should be up. The lower portion, the one that reads, ‘Zyppah’ should be the lower tray.
- While facing the mirror, place Zyppah into your mouth, starting with the lower tray/teeth. Ensure that your lower teeth align with the lower teeth line against the harder black plastic. Once your lower teeth are well aligned, push your jaw forward until the edge of your upper teeth are place against where the harder plastic meets the softer plastic in the upper tray.
- Once aligned bite down on the device and hold for at least one minute. You should feel your teeth deep into the soft thermoplastic.
- After one minute, carefully remove the Zyppah anti-snore device from your mouth and dip it into the bowl of ice for a minute.
- Once cooled, check to see that the device fits you. If it doesn’t, consider reheating it in boiled water and repeating the process.
Zyppah and Sleep Apnea
I can’t stress this strongly enough. The online version of Zyppah is not, and cannot, be used as an alternative treatment for sleep apnea. The device only use involves eliminating the sound of snoring. It does not treat any underlying issues that might be the cause of snoring.
Like with all stop snoring devices, it is wise if you consult your physician to determine whether you are simply a snorer or whether you suffer from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
What Else Do I need to Know?
Nothing much. Seriously, at this point you can order Zyppah online, and you’ll all the information you need to work with it.
However, if you are a facts-oriented person, here are a few fascinating ones:
- Zyppah is a brainchild of a long-serving dentist, Dr. Jonathan Greenburg. Greenburg has served as dentist for over 3 decades, and spent the last ten years studying sleep apnea and snoring. He currently runs 5 “Snore No More” centres in California.
- Zyppah is “Happy Z” spelled backwards! That is Happy Sleeping.
- There are two types of Zyppah anti-snoring mouthpieces available: The one that you can buy online (OTC), and others that you need to have a doctor’s prescription to purchase. These latter ones are custom fitted by a doctor in one of the 5 “Snore No More’ centres, and are used to treat sleep apnea.
- Zyppah is the only double action snoring mouth guard. It uses the tongue-stabilizing technology as well as the Mandibular Advancement technology to prevent snoring.
- And last but not least, Zyppah is FDA-cleared!
How Much Does Zyppah Cost?
Compared to the cost of snoring surgery, Zyppah’s $80-89 price tag almost feels like a drop in the ocean.
The cost is also flexible, allowing you to pay the whole amount at once or to first get a trial without paying the whole amount upfront.
If you go with the trial, you’ll be required to pay the shipping fee and you’ll have 30 days to test Zyppah. If you like it, and you’d like to keep it, your card will be charged $40 twice to bring the total cost of Zyppah at $90.
If you don’t like it, you can send it back to the manufacturer and no charges will be made on your card.
Other Zyppah RX Reviews
It is important that you read other Zyppah reviews before you make up your mind whether this is something you want. However, based from my experience, Zyppah is not only a revolutionary mouthpiece for snoring, but also a very effective one for that matter.
The fact that the manufacturers are willing to let you try it for $10 only also makes it among our very favourite anti snoring devices, right in the league of Pure Sleep and ZQuite.
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Patrick Mahinge
Patrick Mahinge, the chief editor at MTBNZ.org is a serial webpreneur who also enjoys mountain biking.
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